I bought two new pairs of running shoes. Deal was too good to pass up. Sierra Trading Post has some good deals. I got a pair of Saucony Hattori's and NB MT00 Minimus for $30 and $45 respectively.
The Saucony's are excellent. Good for road running and not bad on the trail. Super light and still a offer more cushion than the Minimus. I also like the velcro strap, no laces. My foot did slide around a bit in the shoe when going down steep hills. That was the only drawback. Probably going to go back on STPost and buy another pair for when they wear out.
The MT00 Miniumus was a bit disappointing, but still good. The toe box felt too big, kind of like I was wearing clown shoes. The MT10s I have fit like a glove and feel like they are part of my foot. I didn't get the same feeling with the MT00. Nice grip/traction and a bit more cushion in the toe than the MT10s.
Just went to visit Dr. Steve, chiropractor in New Haven. Very nice guy and we spoke for 5 minutes and then got right into some myofascial release. Fancy word for massage as far as I can tell. He thinks it is an IT band issue and perhaps also related to my quad and/or hip muscles. He had a roller bar he went pretty hard on my outside leg where the pain stems from. At this point I was thinking I could probably do this with the foam roller, then he took to the inside of my leg and found a particular point that hurt like a motherfer when he pressed it with his thumb. I was impressed with this as I hadn't identified that spot as a problem. This all took about 10 minutes. Now my leg feels like I just did a bunch of serious squats.
Back next week same time and place to see if this fixes it. $80 for the first visit, and $50 each visit after. He recommends at least 6 visits so this will be a $330 attempt. I'd pay twice that if this fixes it.
3rd Annual Southern Oregon Beer Mile
After receiving a Facebook invite from Rogue Valley Runners about the beer mile here in Ashland yesterday, I decided what the hell. After class, I hurried home and jogged over to the Southern Oregon University track, where it was held. It was dark and rainy. I had tasked Jess with procuring an at least 5% beer with low carbonation, and she showed up just as we were about to start with a 24-pack of Budweiser! Unbelievable! Long story short, I got through three beers and three laps. Hal Koerner won in 6:30. Erik Skaggs was second; Timothy Olson third.
Michael Arnstein
200 miles/week on fruit?
A MUST-listen: http://ultrarunnerpodcast.com/archives/2010
A MUST-listen: http://ultrarunnerpodcast.com/archives/2010
MDI Marathon didn't go so well. Made it about 18-19 miles and my knee/leg/IT band, whatever it is, became too painful to continue. Legs felt pretty good otherwise though. Weather was horrible. Rain and in the 40s. I tried walking and running for a bit and then got really really cold. Shaking uncontrollably and couldn't find any help from race organizers. Had to jump in a guys truck and get a ride. I don't see much road running in my future. Gonna stick to the trails. Sounds like I need to move to Ashland.
Karolina finished strong in 3:43. Very good time for a super hilly course.
Three hour long run
Yesterday morning, Jess and I set out from our doorstep for a 15-miler in the Siskiyou Mountains. After only about a mile of pavement, we hit one of the dirt roads above Lithia Park and started climbing to the first trailhead. The first trail of the day, Bandersnatch, is a hiker/runner-only trail that switchbacks for about two miles to another trail named, Alice and Wonderland. (Bandersnatch is a relatively new trail and, within the last week, finally got its very own permanent trail signs, which were previously only laminated signs stapled to trees.) We took Alice to Forest Service Road 2060 to Toothpick. Toothpick provides a brief respite from climbing before turning onto Catwalk, which climbs well over 1000 feet in about a mile and a half. Despite this stout climb, we both managed to maintain a running stride. Catwalk eventually empties out into the parking area at Four Corners, which is still only halfway to Mt. Ashland (not the day's objective, thankfully; however, Jess and I have hiked from Four Corners to Mt. Ashland in just over a couple of hours). When we reached Four Corners, we refueled with Gu Chomps and then started the descent. We took FSR 2060 to Caterpillar to White Rabbit. White Rabbit eventually empties out onto the top of Park Street. From Park Street, we jumped on the ditch (a nice, flat traverse trail about 500 feet above town) and cruised it over to Walker Avenue. From Walker, it's only a few easy miles of pavement home.
We covered 15.3 miles with 3000 feet of elevation gain in almost exactly 3 hours. My last 3-hour run was at the Austin Marathon in February 2011. My last 3-hour training run was in December of 2010. So completing yesterday's run without any trouble was hugely encouraging. Today, I have no pain or soreness--only slight fatigue. I'm pretty sure Ashland is the best thing that's ever happened to my running. Jess, too. Her nagging injuries are gone.
Here's the elevation profile. More stats here.
We covered 15.3 miles with 3000 feet of elevation gain in almost exactly 3 hours. My last 3-hour run was at the Austin Marathon in February 2011. My last 3-hour training run was in December of 2010. So completing yesterday's run without any trouble was hugely encouraging. Today, I have no pain or soreness--only slight fatigue. I'm pretty sure Ashland is the best thing that's ever happened to my running. Jess, too. Her nagging injuries are gone.
Here's the elevation profile. More stats here.
Lithia Loop Marathon
I took four days off after the Enchanted Forest Wine Run half-marathon and felt amazing on the fifth day. My old self would have tried running within only a few days, but I think I've learned a very important lesson--rest and recovery are key--through serious injury.
There's a marathon here in Ashland in a few weeks--Lithia Loop Marathon--that is run completely on trails with somewhere in the neighborhood of 4000 feet of elevation gain. I've contemplated doing it, but I don't think I'm ready for the distance yet. Jessica, on the other hand, is more seriously considering it and wrote up a plan, which she's kept to so far, that could get her to the finish line. She had planned on running about half the course with some folks yesterday morning but much of it was closed due to logging. Instead, they ran from town up to 4 Corners, which worked out to be 2800 feet of climbing over 15 miles. Jess reported to me that she handled it quite well.
Here's the elevation profile and course map for the marathon.
There's a marathon here in Ashland in a few weeks--Lithia Loop Marathon--that is run completely on trails with somewhere in the neighborhood of 4000 feet of elevation gain. I've contemplated doing it, but I don't think I'm ready for the distance yet. Jessica, on the other hand, is more seriously considering it and wrote up a plan, which she's kept to so far, that could get her to the finish line. She had planned on running about half the course with some folks yesterday morning but much of it was closed due to logging. Instead, they ran from town up to 4 Corners, which worked out to be 2800 feet of climbing over 15 miles. Jess reported to me that she handled it quite well.
Here's the elevation profile and course map for the marathon.
Post-race photos from the Enchanted run
If you look carefully in the picture of Jared with his head down, you'll see Jess on the massage table.
Enchanted Forest Wine Run Results and Pictures
Enchanted Forest Wine Run
My brother, Jess and I did the Enchanted Forest Wine Run, which is a trail half-marathon in Grants Pass, OR, today. It was about 90 degrees at the start (noon) and very hot in exposed areas of the course. There were about 2700 feet of vertical, per my Garmin. Jared's and Jess's more or less agreed. Jess was the fourth female and 26th of 143, finishing in 2:11:47. Pretty impressive, especially given the fact that she didn't carry any water and had maybe 5 sips from aid stations along the way. My brother finished in 3:14, and I finished in 2:33.
The first few miles circle around the vineyard cross-country style, and then there's a half mile climb on the road to the trailhead. From there, it's straight up, and then you have to do it again as part of a second, sort of truncated, loop. After the second loop of climbing nice single-track, switchback trails, the trail empties back out onto the road for a bit, finishing at the vineyard. I really liked the course. As part of the race package, we each got a buff; post-race, we got really good hot organic food and a glass of wine (with the wine glass).
The first few miles circle around the vineyard cross-country style, and then there's a half mile climb on the road to the trailhead. From there, it's straight up, and then you have to do it again as part of a second, sort of truncated, loop. After the second loop of climbing nice single-track, switchback trails, the trail empties back out onto the road for a bit, finishing at the vineyard. I really liked the course. As part of the race package, we each got a buff; post-race, we got really good hot organic food and a glass of wine (with the wine glass).
Minimus too minimal?
I woke up Monday morning with a good sized bruise on the bottom of my left foot after 12 mile trail run in west rock. Pretty rocky terrain. I'm thinking the NB minimus arent enough shoe for this kind of trail. Or am I doing something wrong? Anybody have this problem?
Oh well
At the last 1/2 mile of my long run today I screwed up my knee again. Same shootin pain as before and now a dull ache. I'll try to run on tuesday but I'm not optimistic. Very disappointing. Very stupid of me to be doing so much mileage on pavement, butni figured I better get ready for it since MDI is all pavement. And maybe too much to soon.
Scar tissue
Although I'm grateful to finally be running again, my right leg/knee is still not perfect. It's not the injury for which I had surgery that's not perfect; it's the two scars from the incisions where the surgeon performed an arthroscopy to excise the medial plica and the one scar (the largest of the three) where the surgeon opened up my leg to debride part of the semimembranosus tendon. I realize that surgeons are in the business of making scar, but my scars are super annoying--much more annoying than the four scars on my left foot. In fact, those four scars never really bothered me at all.
The two arthroscopy scars click and pop from the scar tissue build-up, and sometimes they even cause pain--not while running but when squatting or doing other leg strengthening exercises. These two scars are just minor annoyances compared to the annoyance of the debridement scar on the medial aspect of my knee. That scar, which measures about an inch and half long, is still adhered to the subcutaneous tissue. In other words, the outer most layer of skin is literally stuck to whatever's underneath. That skin is supposed to move freely over that underlying layer. This presents a host of problems.
1. There's a rather important nerve that runs through that area that is being blocked or squeezed by the tissue/inflammation, which has resulted in a lack of full sensation in parts of my leg and foot. It's super annoying, but I know that once the scar tissue is broken up and that adhesion is released, full sensation will return.
2. Because the outer most layer of skin is not able to move independently of the underlying tissue, it pulls on the tissue and causes weird pain and soreness in other areas of my knee--nothing at all serious but very annoying.
3. When I flex my hip through its full range of motion--that is, bring my knee to my chest in a standing position--the outer most layer of skin is pulled on so much by the underlying tissue that it causes a huge indentation in my leg and very funny feeling.
So, what I've begun to do, which I probably should have done as soon as possible following the surgery, is manipulate the tissue. It's super painful, but these layers of tissue must be separated. I refuse to see a therapist, so I've scoured the Internet for techniques to do this. I've found a few and have gotten to work on it. I hope that I'll be able to resolve this on my own.
The two arthroscopy scars click and pop from the scar tissue build-up, and sometimes they even cause pain--not while running but when squatting or doing other leg strengthening exercises. These two scars are just minor annoyances compared to the annoyance of the debridement scar on the medial aspect of my knee. That scar, which measures about an inch and half long, is still adhered to the subcutaneous tissue. In other words, the outer most layer of skin is literally stuck to whatever's underneath. That skin is supposed to move freely over that underlying layer. This presents a host of problems.
1. There's a rather important nerve that runs through that area that is being blocked or squeezed by the tissue/inflammation, which has resulted in a lack of full sensation in parts of my leg and foot. It's super annoying, but I know that once the scar tissue is broken up and that adhesion is released, full sensation will return.
2. Because the outer most layer of skin is not able to move independently of the underlying tissue, it pulls on the tissue and causes weird pain and soreness in other areas of my knee--nothing at all serious but very annoying.
3. When I flex my hip through its full range of motion--that is, bring my knee to my chest in a standing position--the outer most layer of skin is pulled on so much by the underlying tissue that it causes a huge indentation in my leg and very funny feeling.
So, what I've begun to do, which I probably should have done as soon as possible following the surgery, is manipulate the tissue. It's super painful, but these layers of tissue must be separated. I refuse to see a therapist, so I've scoured the Internet for techniques to do this. I've found a few and have gotten to work on it. I hope that I'll be able to resolve this on my own.
Over doing it
I did a long run yesterday, about 18 miles. Run was nice, through the trails of great falls national park in VA. However,starting feeling shitty in the afternoon and was running a bit of a fever by night time. Woke up feeling ok this morning, just tired. Anybody ever get a fever after long run?
Heart blank
A-left atrium
B-right atrium
C-left ventricle
D-right ventricle
E-ascending aorta
F-pulmonary trunk
F1-left pulmonary artery
F2-right pulmonary artery
G1-superior vena cava
G2-inferior vena cava
H1-left pulmonary veins
H2-right pulmonary veins
I-coronary arteries
J-brachiocephalic trunk
K-left common carotid artery
L-left subclavian artery
B-right atrium
C-left ventricle
D-right ventricle
E-ascending aorta
F-pulmonary trunk
F1-left pulmonary artery
F2-right pulmonary artery
G1-superior vena cava
G2-inferior vena cava
H1-left pulmonary veins
H2-right pulmonary veins
I-coronary arteries
J-brachiocephalic trunk
K-left common carotid artery
L-left subclavian artery

Heart Rate Training
Since getting a Garmin, I've been wearing a heart rate monitor on my runs. I don't pay much attention to it on the run, but I do like to have the data. It's got me interested to know my resting heart rate (RHR) and maximal heart rate (MHR), so that I can determine my heart rate reserve (HRR) for purposes of analyzing my workouts. I don't like the idea of being a slave to the data, but it could come in handy in avoiding overtraining.
How to establish MHR:
-genetically determined
-not increased by training
-after thorough warm-up, run hard, straight up steep hill for at least 3 minutes
I have not yet done this but, in the meantime, applied a figure that an online calculator spit out after inputting my details. It's probably way off.
How to establish Anaerobic Threshold Heart Rate:
-85% of MHR
How to establish RHR:
-decreases over time with aerobic training
-average of three recordings first thing in the morning
-best endurance workouts done at 60-80% of HRR
I have not yet done this either, but RHR is bit easier to determine as you don't have to get up off your butt and give up a day of rest (i.e., screw up your training). I've had RHRs in the high-30s/low-40s in the past, but I think 45 is a good figure for now.
How to establish HRR:
-HRR = MHR - RHR (e.g., 192-45 = 147)
-60% x 147 + 45 = 133.2 (aerobic threshold; low end of bread and butter aerobic)
-65% x 147 + 45 = 140.55
-70% x 147 + 45 = 147.9
-75% x 147 + 45 = 155.25 (high end of bread and butter aerobic; low end of 3/4 effort run)
-80% x 147 + 45 = 162.6 (high end of 3/4 effort run)
-85% x 147 + 45 = 169.95 (anaerobic threshold)
-90% x 147 + 45 = 177.3
-95% x 147 + 45 = 184.65
-100% x 147 + 45 = 192
With all the hills I've been running lately, my average heart rate is in the low 150s, which, according to the above calculations (based on my unscientific method of determining my MHR and RHR and therefore my HRR), is pretty much where it should be.
How to establish MHR:
-genetically determined
-not increased by training
-after thorough warm-up, run hard, straight up steep hill for at least 3 minutes
I have not yet done this but, in the meantime, applied a figure that an online calculator spit out after inputting my details. It's probably way off.
How to establish Anaerobic Threshold Heart Rate:
-85% of MHR
How to establish RHR:
-decreases over time with aerobic training
-average of three recordings first thing in the morning
-best endurance workouts done at 60-80% of HRR
I have not yet done this either, but RHR is bit easier to determine as you don't have to get up off your butt and give up a day of rest (i.e., screw up your training). I've had RHRs in the high-30s/low-40s in the past, but I think 45 is a good figure for now.
How to establish HRR:
-HRR = MHR - RHR (e.g., 192-45 = 147)
-60% x 147 + 45 = 133.2 (aerobic threshold; low end of bread and butter aerobic)
-65% x 147 + 45 = 140.55
-70% x 147 + 45 = 147.9
-75% x 147 + 45 = 155.25 (high end of bread and butter aerobic; low end of 3/4 effort run)
-80% x 147 + 45 = 162.6 (high end of 3/4 effort run)
-85% x 147 + 45 = 169.95 (anaerobic threshold)
-90% x 147 + 45 = 177.3
-95% x 147 + 45 = 184.65
-100% x 147 + 45 = 192
With all the hills I've been running lately, my average heart rate is in the low 150s, which, according to the above calculations (based on my unscientific method of determining my MHR and RHR and therefore my HRR), is pretty much where it should be.
I never thought that I'd be able to do this kind of running again, much less running that includes over 3,000 feet of climbing. Yesterday, Jess, Joe, Bethany, Rich, and I ran over 12 miles up to Ostrich Peak (between 600 and 800 feet of climbing per mile), down the connector trail to National Forest road 2060, and then all the way down 2060 to Lithia Park. See details of the run here. About three quarters of the way up to Ostrich Peak, my right hip flexor started hurting. I had done some hip flexor strengthening exercises the day before, so I don't think it's cause for concern--just a touch overworked. My knee/leg felt mostly fine, but I was shot by the time we got down to the southern edge of the park. And we still had about another mile to go to get to the creek, but I made it. Joe and Rich continued on for about 8 more.
Joe, Bethany, and Rich are great training partners, as Joe just finished a 100k in less than 14 hours, Bethany is currently training for a marathon, and Rich is currently training for a 100 miler. Joe and Rich have been running ultras for a few years now, are pretty plugged in here in Ashland, and know the trails quite well.
Joe, Bethany, and Rich are great training partners, as Joe just finished a 100k in less than 14 hours, Bethany is currently training for a marathon, and Rich is currently training for a 100 miler. Joe and Rich have been running ultras for a few years now, are pretty plugged in here in Ashland, and know the trails quite well.
Monday, 8/13/12- Bike to/from gym and strength training.
Tuesday, 8/14/12- Grizzly Peak w/Jess. Not feeling it at all even though I think I set a new PR to the top. Jess pushed the pace the whole way. 31:40. See workout to the top here. I thought I had recorded the descent but when I got back to the trailhead, there was maybe two seconds of recorded running. The whole run took about 52min, and I was completely shot when I got back to the car. :(
Wednesday, 8/15/12- Some swimming but mostly lounging around. Didn't make sense to do a gym workout, as the leg was feeling tight from what I think was overstretching. Can't quite figure out the hamstring stretch.
Thursday, 8/16/12- To and around Lithia Park w/Jess. 45min. Felt pretty good. Soaked in the creek, walked home barefoot, and then hit up the gym. Did a decent workout there. I was hoping to have my new Garmin watch for today's run, but perhaps tomorrow.
Friday, 8/17/12- Finally got my Garmin. 35ish minutes around Lithia Park. Details here until I figure out how to get a feed working on this blog.
Saturday, 8/18/12- Bike to/from gym and strength training.
Sunday, 8/19/12- Got up early to run with Jess before work. Felt pretty good. Great run. Check it out here. The one hitch on this run was where the ditch dead-ended. We exited up the stairs and then went left down the paved road to yet another dead-end. We then took the ditch back to where it dead-ends again and went right down a side trail, which emptied out onto another paved road. From there, we could not figure out how to circumvent the closed off section of the ditch and get back onto the ditch, so we ran down some steep paved roads, which I was hoping to avoid today. Oh, well.
Total: 4:02 (23.19mi)
Tuesday, 8/14/12- Grizzly Peak w/Jess. Not feeling it at all even though I think I set a new PR to the top. Jess pushed the pace the whole way. 31:40. See workout to the top here. I thought I had recorded the descent but when I got back to the trailhead, there was maybe two seconds of recorded running. The whole run took about 52min, and I was completely shot when I got back to the car. :(
Wednesday, 8/15/12- Some swimming but mostly lounging around. Didn't make sense to do a gym workout, as the leg was feeling tight from what I think was overstretching. Can't quite figure out the hamstring stretch.
Thursday, 8/16/12- To and around Lithia Park w/Jess. 45min. Felt pretty good. Soaked in the creek, walked home barefoot, and then hit up the gym. Did a decent workout there. I was hoping to have my new Garmin watch for today's run, but perhaps tomorrow.
Friday, 8/17/12- Finally got my Garmin. 35ish minutes around Lithia Park. Details here until I figure out how to get a feed working on this blog.
Saturday, 8/18/12- Bike to/from gym and strength training.
Sunday, 8/19/12- Got up early to run with Jess before work. Felt pretty good. Great run. Check it out here. The one hitch on this run was where the ditch dead-ended. We exited up the stairs and then went left down the paved road to yet another dead-end. We then took the ditch back to where it dead-ends again and went right down a side trail, which emptied out onto another paved road. From there, we could not figure out how to circumvent the closed off section of the ditch and get back onto the ditch, so we ran down some steep paved roads, which I was hoping to avoid today. Oh, well.
Total: 4:02 (23.19mi)
Garmin Forerunner 610
Got me a GPS watch. Expensive but so worth it given the positive reviews and my test run with it today. See link.
Untitled by ryanrnnr at Garmin Connect - Details
Untitled by ryanrnnr at Garmin Connect - Details
Torrington Road Race 2012
Won by a woman for the first time, and it wasn't even close. Wow. Results.
Monday, 8/8/12- nothing.
Tuesday, 8/7/12- 52:23 run. Grizzly Peak loop w/Jess. 31:47 to the peak (13:20 to the 1.1mi post; 23:05 to the overlook). Spent about 6min at the peak and descended in 20:36.
Wednesday, 8/8/12- 2hr. 20min bike to/from Y and strength training in the AM. Yoga w/Jess in the PM.
Thursday, 8/9/12- 36:14 run. To and around Lithia Park.
Friday, 8/10/12- 56:18 run. White Rabbit w/Jess.
Saturday, 8/11/12- YMCA strength training.
Sunday, 8/12/12- 1:29:10 run. Ditch loop w/Jess. Finished with some soaking in creek in Lithia Park.
Total: 3:54 (21.7mi)
Tuesday, 8/7/12- 52:23 run. Grizzly Peak loop w/Jess. 31:47 to the peak (13:20 to the 1.1mi post; 23:05 to the overlook). Spent about 6min at the peak and descended in 20:36.
Wednesday, 8/8/12- 2hr. 20min bike to/from Y and strength training in the AM. Yoga w/Jess in the PM.
Thursday, 8/9/12- 36:14 run. To and around Lithia Park.
Friday, 8/10/12- 56:18 run. White Rabbit w/Jess.
Saturday, 8/11/12- YMCA strength training.
Sunday, 8/12/12- 1:29:10 run. Ditch loop w/Jess. Finished with some soaking in creek in Lithia Park.
Total: 3:54 (21.7mi)
It had been a long time since our last Sunday "long" run together. This morning, we did about 8 miles. The iPhone GPS had us at about 7 but lost signal for part of the run, as you can see on the graph below. For the first 2.5 miles or so, you run straight up--just over 1300 feet--and then it's pretty much all downhill from there. Instead of completing the loop at home, we ran about another mile to Lithia Park and soaked in the creek.
White Rabbit
This was the first hike Jess and I did in Ashland. And it was difficult. And it was difficult the second, third, and fourth times. I recall one time seeing a guy running up while we were struggling to even hike and saying to myself, "holy shit!" Well, after a lot of practice on steep mountain trails, we're finally running the whole thing ourselves. I've always been curious as to the distance and elevation gain of this route and was seriously considering purchasing a gps/altimeter watch until I remembered that the mapmyrun iPhone app could possibly serve this purpose. So I tested it out yesterday around town and in Lithia Park, and it worked great. Today, I tried it on White Rabbit. The results are below. It worked perfectly. It turns out that it's 2.35 miles of climbing to the top with well over 1000ft of elevation gain. We did an out and back...very slowly (but ran every step). On the way back down, Jess was in front by about 50 yards and I heard some rustling leaves. I thought Jess had possibly fallen. Then, about a minute later, I heard the same rustling leaves and Jess yelled down from the upper trail (I had taken a lower trail): "A black bear!" I think Jess came very close to the bear and then stupidly ran away quickly. I've been on this trail a lot and have never seen a black bear or mountain lion. The difference today, however, was that it was early morning.
Back In Action
I did an 8 mile hilly trail run on Sunday with no knee/leg pain, so I'm somewhat optimistic about MDI marathon in October. The strenuous hiking in bozeman seemed to strengthen whatever needed to be strengthened and get me back on track. Only problem now is that biking irritates my knee/leg. The pain has recently migrated to the side of my hamstring where I have a huge knot after some seat adjustments. 3 times a day on the foam roller is taking care of it, but I'm wondering if the biking was the problem all along.
Either way my new plan is to get as strong as possible. That means hills, trails, and stairs. I do the most hilly trail runs I can find. Weekdays that usually means multiple trips up east rock giant steps trail and on weekends west rock. And every opportunity I get I also take the stairs. I live on the 18th floor of an apartment building. You can only get to the stairs from the 6th floor, but 11 flights of stairs still gets the muscles warm, especially if carrying grocercies.
I'm also making an effort to boost my protein intake. Lots of smoothies with hemp, soy, spirulina, chia, and flax. And kale, beets, carrots, and all kinds of fruit of course.
Monday, 7/30/12- 54:58 run. Ran the whole Grizzly Peak loop! 32:57 to the peak (13:40 to the 1.1mi post; 23:49 to the overlook). Spent about 4min at the peak and descended in 22:01. Then drove to San Francisco in 100-degree heat with no A/C.
Tuesday, 7/31/12- TRX with Kyle in San Francisco.
Wednesday, 8/1/12- ~25min run. Stillwater Cove Regional Park in Jenner, CA. Nice, but short, trails.
Thursday, 8/2/12- 20:25min run. To and around Lithia Park in NB Minimus. Cooled off in the creek and walked home barefoot. Needed that after being the car all day.
Friday, 8/3/12- 59:25 (41:51 run). White Rabbit with Jess. 28:18 to the top. Almost two minutes faster than last time. Spent about 5min at the parking lot and hiked/ran back.
Saturday, 8/4/12- ~20min bike. Strength training at YMCA.
Sunday, 8/5/12, 1:23hr (1:17:36hr run). Ran from home up an alley to Liberty Street to "the ditch" trail and then straight up with Joe. Handled the climb well but with some hiking on various sections. Once to the top (Ashland Loop Road), ran up to Alice, down Alice, to Bandersnatch, and then various other trails until we emptied out onto the ditch. Roads back home.
I did well over three hours of running this week. Probably 20 miles. The leg seems to be fine. Hoping that it only gets stronger.
Tuesday, 7/31/12- TRX with Kyle in San Francisco.
Wednesday, 8/1/12- ~25min run. Stillwater Cove Regional Park in Jenner, CA. Nice, but short, trails.
Thursday, 8/2/12- 20:25min run. To and around Lithia Park in NB Minimus. Cooled off in the creek and walked home barefoot. Needed that after being the car all day.
Friday, 8/3/12- 59:25 (41:51 run). White Rabbit with Jess. 28:18 to the top. Almost two minutes faster than last time. Spent about 5min at the parking lot and hiked/ran back.
Saturday, 8/4/12- ~20min bike. Strength training at YMCA.
Sunday, 8/5/12, 1:23hr (1:17:36hr run). Ran from home up an alley to Liberty Street to "the ditch" trail and then straight up with Joe. Handled the climb well but with some hiking on various sections. Once to the top (Ashland Loop Road), ran up to Alice, down Alice, to Bandersnatch, and then various other trails until we emptied out onto the ditch. Roads back home.
I did well over three hours of running this week. Probably 20 miles. The leg seems to be fine. Hoping that it only gets stronger.
Return to Action
Jessica and I are running the Enchanted Forest Wine Run (Timothy Olson, this year's winner of The Western States, is the RD), which is a trail half-marathon in Grants Pass, Oregon on September 29th and marks our return to "racing." We haven't done anything significant since the Austin Marathon in February 2011. Yikes. The race has a ton of climbing (no wonder given the RD) and a 5hr time limit. I don't think we'll need all 5hrs, but we certainly won't be running our fastest times. Actually, it will be my fastest time, as I've never done an organized half-marathon.
The good thing, though, is that we live in a valley, and if you want to run trails, you don't have much of a choice but to run up. We've both been increasing the amount of climbing per run. All of the running we do now is on steep trails in the mountains. Yesterday, we ran up White Rabbit, which climbs a good 1,000ft in roughly 2mi. It's an insane workout. Jess continued down the other side to the park to get in about an hour and a half of running, and I double backed, running about half of the descent.
It seems that ever since moving to Ashland, my knee has gotten a lot better. It's nearly 100% now. I'm doing all of the right things--staying off pavement and on trails, cross-training, and stretching. I've also made a few biomechanical tweaks. My left knee turns out a bit and my right knee turns way in. To correct this, I've turned out my right foot, which has allowed me to more easily engage the glutes and keep my knee directly under my hip and over my ankle instead of collapsing inward.
The good thing, though, is that we live in a valley, and if you want to run trails, you don't have much of a choice but to run up. We've both been increasing the amount of climbing per run. All of the running we do now is on steep trails in the mountains. Yesterday, we ran up White Rabbit, which climbs a good 1,000ft in roughly 2mi. It's an insane workout. Jess continued down the other side to the park to get in about an hour and a half of running, and I double backed, running about half of the descent.
It seems that ever since moving to Ashland, my knee has gotten a lot better. It's nearly 100% now. I'm doing all of the right things--staying off pavement and on trails, cross-training, and stretching. I've also made a few biomechanical tweaks. My left knee turns out a bit and my right knee turns way in. To correct this, I've turned out my right foot, which has allowed me to more easily engage the glutes and keep my knee directly under my hip and over my ankle instead of collapsing inward.
Monday, 7/23/12- 1:10hr (10min run). Warmed up on the treadmill then yoga. Didn't like this class as much.
Tuesday, 7/24/12- 49:40min run. Applegate Lake. 25min out and a little bit less back on the Da-Ku-Be-Te-De Trail from Hart-tish Park. Really nice single-track trail. 18 miles total around lake.
Wednesday, 7/25/12- 25min bike. To from YMCA. Strength training.
Thursday, 7/26/12- 40:15min run. To and around Lithia Park. Cooled off in the creek afterward.
Friday, 7/27/12- 1:11hr bike. Mostly on the bike path...after finding it!
Saturday, 7/28/12- 2:34hr (1:01:21hr run). Debated Grizzly Peak or White Rabbit but opted for White Rabbit, as it's closer and a bit more difficult. Drove to the top of Park Street and ran all the way to the parking lot on Ashland Loop Road in 29:43min (the official White Rabbit trailhead). What a workout! If it's not 1,000ft of elevation gain, it's pretty close. Don't even have a guess as to the distance. After a 10min break or so to consult the trail map and chat with a fella-who is here for a few weeks on business-enjoying the local watershed trails on his day off, I continued running down Alice and Wonderland to Bandersnatch. At the four-way intersection, instead of going straight up the steps, I took a left onto a mountain bike trail, which eventually emptied into Lithia Park. I did the second half of the run in 31:38min. Iced in the creek and then walked all the way back to the car in 1:22hr.
Sunday, 7/29/12- 1:27hr bike. Showed Jess the trail above Lithia Park and then hit the Bear Creek Greenway.
7.6hr (2:41:16hr running)
Tuesday, 7/24/12- 49:40min run. Applegate Lake. 25min out and a little bit less back on the Da-Ku-Be-Te-De Trail from Hart-tish Park. Really nice single-track trail. 18 miles total around lake.
Wednesday, 7/25/12- 25min bike. To from YMCA. Strength training.
Thursday, 7/26/12- 40:15min run. To and around Lithia Park. Cooled off in the creek afterward.
Friday, 7/27/12- 1:11hr bike. Mostly on the bike path...after finding it!
Saturday, 7/28/12- 2:34hr (1:01:21hr run). Debated Grizzly Peak or White Rabbit but opted for White Rabbit, as it's closer and a bit more difficult. Drove to the top of Park Street and ran all the way to the parking lot on Ashland Loop Road in 29:43min (the official White Rabbit trailhead). What a workout! If it's not 1,000ft of elevation gain, it's pretty close. Don't even have a guess as to the distance. After a 10min break or so to consult the trail map and chat with a fella-who is here for a few weeks on business-enjoying the local watershed trails on his day off, I continued running down Alice and Wonderland to Bandersnatch. At the four-way intersection, instead of going straight up the steps, I took a left onto a mountain bike trail, which eventually emptied into Lithia Park. I did the second half of the run in 31:38min. Iced in the creek and then walked all the way back to the car in 1:22hr.
Sunday, 7/29/12- 1:27hr bike. Showed Jess the trail above Lithia Park and then hit the Bear Creek Greenway.
7.6hr (2:41:16hr running)
Monday, 7/16/12- 2:07hr (26:59min run). I set out for Ostrich Peak not really knowing exactly how to get there. My intention was to run to the trailhead in about 15min but after ~18min, I was still not there, so I stopped at the bottom of Strawberry Lane (which was perfect, because it's crazy steep). From there, I hiked up to Hitt Road and took the single-track trail (instead of the continued paved road beyond the gate) to where it meets back up with Hitt Road (not before getting lost briefly). I climbed for a while and turned around well before the peak (I think), because I didn't want to overdo it. The trail forked, and I started left but then turned around and went right. From there, I climbed for only a few more minutes before eventually turning around. After descending the trail and steep streets, I ran ~8min more home.
Tuesday, 7/17/12- 1hr+ (37:45min run). Ran to and around Lithia Park. Iced in Ashland Creek afterward. Walked home. I think I'll take another stab at Ostrich Peak tomorrow. I found some good written directions to the peak.
Wednesday, 7/18/12- 2:48hr (9:09min run). Ran to the bottom of Church Street and then hiked all the way up to Ostrich Peak in 1:16hr. Spent about 2min on the peak and returned in 1:18hr. I tried to run home but the legs weren't having it. Picked up the CR-V on the way home. Nice, new brakes.
Thursday, 7/19/12- 1:09hr (~43min run). Ran all the way to the summit of Grizzly Peak in about 33min. Caught my breath and then started down for another 10min. Hiked the remainder. Lots of folks on the trail. Nice day. Longest run since April 2011. It's been too long.
Friday, 7/20/12- 1:10hr (10min run). Yoga at YMCA and then treadmill for a few.
Saturday, 7/21/12- 30:01min run. At YMCA. Threw in several minutes of 5.0-5.5 incline. Decided to workout on the treadmill, as I can better work on my biomechanics. Also, didn't want to do much climbing today, as tomorrow is the Mount Ashland 5K, which features a 1,200ft climb in the first 1/2mi. Should be a fun scramble to the top!
Sunday, 7/22/12- 43:55min run. Mount Ashland 5K! (It's actually 6K.) First race since February 2011. It took 17+min just to get to the top of Mount Ashland! Got a nice big hug from Jenn Shelton upon finishing.
8.28hr (3:04hr running)
Tuesday, 7/17/12- 1hr+ (37:45min run). Ran to and around Lithia Park. Iced in Ashland Creek afterward. Walked home. I think I'll take another stab at Ostrich Peak tomorrow. I found some good written directions to the peak.
Wednesday, 7/18/12- 2:48hr (9:09min run). Ran to the bottom of Church Street and then hiked all the way up to Ostrich Peak in 1:16hr. Spent about 2min on the peak and returned in 1:18hr. I tried to run home but the legs weren't having it. Picked up the CR-V on the way home. Nice, new brakes.
Thursday, 7/19/12- 1:09hr (~43min run). Ran all the way to the summit of Grizzly Peak in about 33min. Caught my breath and then started down for another 10min. Hiked the remainder. Lots of folks on the trail. Nice day. Longest run since April 2011. It's been too long.
Friday, 7/20/12- 1:10hr (10min run). Yoga at YMCA and then treadmill for a few.
Saturday, 7/21/12- 30:01min run. At YMCA. Threw in several minutes of 5.0-5.5 incline. Decided to workout on the treadmill, as I can better work on my biomechanics. Also, didn't want to do much climbing today, as tomorrow is the Mount Ashland 5K, which features a 1,200ft climb in the first 1/2mi. Should be a fun scramble to the top!
Sunday, 7/22/12- 43:55min run. Mount Ashland 5K! (It's actually 6K.) First race since February 2011. It took 17+min just to get to the top of Mount Ashland! Got a nice big hug from Jenn Shelton upon finishing.
8.28hr (3:04hr running)
New England trail tour.
Hello all, I haven't posted much.... but with my recent obsession in hiking I plan to share my experiences.
Saturday, 7/14/2012: Macedonia Brook State Park trails. This was my first time in this park and I was pleasantly surprised. The ridge trail is a 6.7 mile loop with incredible look-outs and tricky terrain. Unfortunately we got a bit confused/off track and only completed about 35% of the loop. It's tough in 90 deg temps on top of New England humidity. I plan to work up to running this loop by early fall.
Sunday, 7/15/2012: American Legion & People's State Forest Trails. First time attacking the Elliot Bronson Trail, this trail is 2.0 miles long with a 1,040 elevation gain. The elevation increases to its peak within the first mile and descents down the back side of the trail. It started pouring during the decent which was fun and a bit challenging. I'm starting to love my new Minimums MT10s. I've been hiking/running with a Hydration bladder... Now that I've used it a few times I wouldn't go out without it. A very useful tool.
Saturday, 7/14/2012: Macedonia Brook State Park trails. This was my first time in this park and I was pleasantly surprised. The ridge trail is a 6.7 mile loop with incredible look-outs and tricky terrain. Unfortunately we got a bit confused/off track and only completed about 35% of the loop. It's tough in 90 deg temps on top of New England humidity. I plan to work up to running this loop by early fall.
Macedonia Ridge trail Look-out |
Sunday, 7/15/2012: American Legion & People's State Forest Trails. First time attacking the Elliot Bronson Trail, this trail is 2.0 miles long with a 1,040 elevation gain. The elevation increases to its peak within the first mile and descents down the back side of the trail. It started pouring during the decent which was fun and a bit challenging. I'm starting to love my new Minimums MT10s. I've been hiking/running with a Hydration bladder... Now that I've used it a few times I wouldn't go out without it. A very useful tool.
First full week in Ashland
Sunday, 7/8/12- ~30min run from Grizzly Peak trailhead. Ran ~24min to the East Antelope Burn Area and waited for Jess and my mom to catch up. Hiked some and then ran ~6min to the peak. 6,000ft. 600ft of total elevation gain. The loop took well under 2hr.
Monday, 7/9/12- Had to remove myself from the mess that is unpacking and biked to the top of Park Street (500ft climb in less than 1/2mi--supposedly Ashland's steepest street) and hiked to the White Rabbit trailhead and back. Biked home. 2hr outing. Hot.
Tuesday, 7/10/12- Jess and I drove up to the White Rabbit trailhead and ran down Alice and Wonderland to Ashland Loop Road and back. I continued up ALR to round off my running time, which has escaped me. We were out for probably less than 1hr.
Friday, 7/13/12- Drove up to Mount Ashland and then over to the Grouse Gap Shelter, not too far from the trailhead. 35min run plus a good ~1:30 hike on the Pacific Crest Trail. Wow, what a trail. Imagine endless carpeted single-track. The running here is ridiculous.
Sunday, 7/15/12- 30min run to and around Lithia Park. Cooled off in Ashland Creek afterwards. Walked home barefoot.
Monday, 7/9/12- Had to remove myself from the mess that is unpacking and biked to the top of Park Street (500ft climb in less than 1/2mi--supposedly Ashland's steepest street) and hiked to the White Rabbit trailhead and back. Biked home. 2hr outing. Hot.
Tuesday, 7/10/12- Jess and I drove up to the White Rabbit trailhead and ran down Alice and Wonderland to Ashland Loop Road and back. I continued up ALR to round off my running time, which has escaped me. We were out for probably less than 1hr.
Wednesday, 7/11/12- 31min run to and around Lithia Park with Jess. Cooled off in Ashland Creek afterwards. Walked home.
Thursday, 7/12/12- nothing
Friday, 7/13/12- Drove up to Mount Ashland and then over to the Grouse Gap Shelter, not too far from the trailhead. 35min run plus a good ~1:30 hike on the Pacific Crest Trail. Wow, what a trail. Imagine endless carpeted single-track. The running here is ridiculous.
Saturday, 7/14/12- 2:20 hike from Four Corners to Mt. Ashland Lodge (some brief stopping for water and at the Bull Gap trailhead to consult a trail map). ~8mi and 2,200ft of total elevation gain. Helped bring in runners doing the Siskiyou Out-and-Back (SOB) 50 miler, 50k, and 15k. Congrats to Joe on finishing his first 50 miler in a respectable 10:xx. Crazy. Oh, and Jenn Shelton (professional ultrarunner and featured in "Born to Run"), Erik Skaggs (ridiculously good runner), and Timothy Olson (winner of this year's The Western States) were there. They all live and train here in Ashland.
Friday, running on the PCT. I cannot wait to get back up there for some longer outings. |
Friday, from the PCT. |
Sunday, from the lodge at Mt. Ashland. Mt. Shasta's there in the distance. |
Mount Desert Island
Just registered for the Mount Desert Island Marathon. Training to commence this week. A little bit worried about the IT Band issue I'm having but hopefully by October I'll have it all figured out.
Monday, 4/30/12
Tuesday, 5/1/12
Bike: 1:08:10 (16.08mi)
To gym and back. Felt like shit.
Wednesday, 5/2/12
Walk/Run: 1:01:51 (4.42mi)
To East Rock and back. 4:32 of running.
Thursday, 5/3/12
Friday, 5/4/12
Bike: 38:12min (9.1mi)
Around town.
Run: 3.5min
Barefoot around Wooster Square.
Saturday, 5/5/12
Sunday, 5/6/12
Walk/Run: 2:33:20 (9.74mi)
5.5min of running.
Bike: 20min (4mi)
To East Rock. Birding for three hours with Dan. Probably walked another 3mi.
Total Time: 5hr 43min (13min 32sec of running)
Tuesday, 5/1/12
Bike: 1:08:10 (16.08mi)
To gym and back. Felt like shit.
Wednesday, 5/2/12
Walk/Run: 1:01:51 (4.42mi)
To East Rock and back. 4:32 of running.
Thursday, 5/3/12
Friday, 5/4/12
Bike: 38:12min (9.1mi)
Around town.
Run: 3.5min
Barefoot around Wooster Square.
Saturday, 5/5/12
Sunday, 5/6/12
Walk/Run: 2:33:20 (9.74mi)
5.5min of running.
Bike: 20min (4mi)
To East Rock. Birding for three hours with Dan. Probably walked another 3mi.
Total Time: 5hr 43min (13min 32sec of running)
Monday, 4/23/12
Run: 5min
Gym. Not sure why I bothered running. Quickly finding out that I'm still not ready to run.
Tuesday, 4/24/12
Wednesday, 4/25/12
Bike: 39:10min
Around town, up East Rock. Took it easy. Leg still quite sore.
Thursday, 4/26/12
Hike/Run: 49:11min
Summit: 18:20 up (PR!); 30:51 down. 17min 19 sec of running. Engaging the glutes more. Gonna take a lot of work. Onward.
Friday, 4/27/12
Off...again. :(
Saturday, 4/28/12
Bike: 1hr 28:19min (20.4mi)
Past North Haven and back.
Sunday, 4/29/12
Walk: 2hr 30min (9.6mi)
Prep for Camino. Will definitely be doing more of this.
Total Time: 5hr 31min (22min 19sec of running)
Run: 5min
Gym. Not sure why I bothered running. Quickly finding out that I'm still not ready to run.
Tuesday, 4/24/12
Wednesday, 4/25/12
Bike: 39:10min
Around town, up East Rock. Took it easy. Leg still quite sore.
Thursday, 4/26/12
Hike/Run: 49:11min
Summit: 18:20 up (PR!); 30:51 down. 17min 19 sec of running. Engaging the glutes more. Gonna take a lot of work. Onward.
Friday, 4/27/12
Off...again. :(
Saturday, 4/28/12
Bike: 1hr 28:19min (20.4mi)
Past North Haven and back.
Sunday, 4/29/12
Walk: 2hr 30min (9.6mi)
Prep for Camino. Will definitely be doing more of this.
Total Time: 5hr 31min (22min 19sec of running)
Monday, 4/16/12
Walk/Run: 33:10min
Treadmill at NHHR. 16min of running. Felt very good. Good workout afterward.
Tuesday, 4/17/12
Bike: 1hr 12:49min (17.27mi)
Wednesday, 4/18/12
Off. Needed it.
Thursday, 4/19/12
Walk/Run: 34:44min
Wooster Sq. 11min 02sec of running. Tired. Perhaps it was the walk to/from Y-NHH for a follow-up with the doc. The doc was optimistic and said that most, if not all, of my complaints will resolve over time (6-12mos). Gym with Jess afterward.
Friday, 4/20/12
Bike: ~19min
To East Rock. My bike computer died.
Hike/Run: 52:44min
Summit: 19:35 up; 33:09 down. Would have been fastest time to the top but took a slightly longer route. 15min of running. Felt pretty good, actually. Loving my new running shoes.
Saturday, 4/21/12
Bike: 1hr 18:46min (18.2mi)
To gym. 28min 46sec out. Bonked on the way back. Nice day. Remembered to put on sunscreen.
Sunday, 4/22/12
Walk/Hike/Run: 1hr 24:20min
To East Rock. Rain. 12min 45sec of running. 8 consecutive minutes of running!
Total Time: 6hr 12min (54min 47sec of running)
Walk/Run: 33:10min
Treadmill at NHHR. 16min of running. Felt very good. Good workout afterward.
Tuesday, 4/17/12
Bike: 1hr 12:49min (17.27mi)
Wednesday, 4/18/12
Off. Needed it.
Thursday, 4/19/12
Walk/Run: 34:44min
Wooster Sq. 11min 02sec of running. Tired. Perhaps it was the walk to/from Y-NHH for a follow-up with the doc. The doc was optimistic and said that most, if not all, of my complaints will resolve over time (6-12mos). Gym with Jess afterward.
Friday, 4/20/12
Bike: ~19min
To East Rock. My bike computer died.
Hike/Run: 52:44min
Summit: 19:35 up; 33:09 down. Would have been fastest time to the top but took a slightly longer route. 15min of running. Felt pretty good, actually. Loving my new running shoes.
Saturday, 4/21/12
Bike: 1hr 18:46min (18.2mi)
To gym. 28min 46sec out. Bonked on the way back. Nice day. Remembered to put on sunscreen.
Sunday, 4/22/12
Walk/Hike/Run: 1hr 24:20min
To East Rock. Rain. 12min 45sec of running. 8 consecutive minutes of running!
Total Time: 6hr 12min (54min 47sec of running)
Monday, 4/9/12
Walk/Run: 32:03min
Wooster Sq. Brooks Adrenaline. Somewhere between 12 and 13min of running.
Tuesday, 4/10/12
Bike: 1hr 04:56min (16.38mi)
To gym.
Walk/Run: 14min
Treadmill. 7min of running.
Wednesday, 4/11/12
Off. Sore.
Thursday, 4/12/12
AM: Walk/Run: 31:59min
Wooster Sq. Montrail Mountain Masochist. 13min 13sec of running. Felt good.
PM: Light gym session.
Friday, 4/13/12
Off. However, walked around town quite a bit, including to Apple for a repair, as I shattered my few-day old iPhone. The good folks there fixed it for a small fee.
Saturday, 4/14/12
Bike: 1hr 11:58min (17.58mi)
To gym; back via Whitney. Gorgeous day.
Walk/Run: 33min
Treadmill. 15min of which was running.
Sunday, 4/15/12
Walk/Hike/Run: 51:05min
Stanley Park. 1min 16sec of running.
Total Time: 4hr 56min (49min 29sec of running)
Wednesday, 4/11/12
Off. Sore.
Thursday, 4/12/12
AM: Walk/Run: 31:59min
Wooster Sq. Montrail Mountain Masochist. 13min 13sec of running. Felt good.
PM: Light gym session.
Friday, 4/13/12
Off. However, walked around town quite a bit, including to Apple for a repair, as I shattered my few-day old iPhone. The good folks there fixed it for a small fee.
Saturday, 4/14/12
Bike: 1hr 11:58min (17.58mi)
To gym; back via Whitney. Gorgeous day.
Walk/Run: 33min
Treadmill. 15min of which was running.
Sunday, 4/15/12
Walk/Hike/Run: 51:05min
Stanley Park. 1min 16sec of running.
Total Time: 4hr 56min (49min 29sec of running)
Monday, 4/2/12
Bike: 1hr 06:58min (16.38mi)
To gym. Windy. Squatting 105lb.
Tuesday, 4/3/12
Bike: 18:26min (3.99mi)
To East Rock.
Hike/Run: 53:54min
Summit: 19:26 up; 34:28 down. Ran for 9min 39sec. Didn't feel great.
Wednesday, 4/4/12
Some brief strengthening, stretching and swimming at hotel in Medford. Leg felt like shit after three flights. :(
Thursday, 4/5/12
Hike/Run: 39:36min
Cathedral Hills in Grants Pass. Nice trails. Leg felt better than yesterday but still quite stiff and sore. Threw in 9min 10sec of running. Didn't feel half bad, I guess.
Friday, 4/6/12
Hike/Run: 43:06min
Lithia Park to some other trails in Ashland. Not as stiff today. Ran for 11min 56sec.
Saturday, 4/7/12
Travel back from Medford.
Sunday, 4/8/12
Bike: 1hr 04:12min (16.47mi)
To NHHR. Tried to keep up with a guy going 26mph on a mountain bike with a huge tail wind but could not. Only a few exercises as the gym was closing in 10min.
Run: 2min
Treadmill at NHHR.
I can still run!
Total Time: 4hr 45min (32min 45sec of running)
Bike: 1hr 06:58min (16.38mi)
To gym. Windy. Squatting 105lb.
Tuesday, 4/3/12
Bike: 18:26min (3.99mi)
To East Rock.
Hike/Run: 53:54min
Summit: 19:26 up; 34:28 down. Ran for 9min 39sec. Didn't feel great.
Wednesday, 4/4/12
Some brief strengthening, stretching and swimming at hotel in Medford. Leg felt like shit after three flights. :(
Thursday, 4/5/12
Hike/Run: 39:36min
Cathedral Hills in Grants Pass. Nice trails. Leg felt better than yesterday but still quite stiff and sore. Threw in 9min 10sec of running. Didn't feel half bad, I guess.
Friday, 4/6/12
Hike/Run: 43:06min
Lithia Park to some other trails in Ashland. Not as stiff today. Ran for 11min 56sec.
Saturday, 4/7/12
Travel back from Medford.
Sunday, 4/8/12
Bike: 1hr 04:12min (16.47mi)
To NHHR. Tried to keep up with a guy going 26mph on a mountain bike with a huge tail wind but could not. Only a few exercises as the gym was closing in 10min.
Run: 2min
Treadmill at NHHR.
I can still run!
Total Time: 4hr 45min (32min 45sec of running)
Monday, 3/26/12
Walk/Run: 20:50min
Four laps around Wooster Sq. Ran for 3min 10sec. Have had better days but not terrible.
Tuesday, 3/27/12
Bike: 1hr 08:36min (16.49mi)
To gym. A very good workout.
Wednesday, 3/28/12
Bike: 17:24min (3.77mi)
To East Rock.
Hike/Run: 54:25min
Summit: 19:28 up; 34:57 down. Ran for 5min. Felt really good.
Thursday, 3/29/12
Bike: 5min
Gym. Barely lasted 5min on the stationary bike. Now squatting 75lb. Legs are getting stronger.
Friday, 3/30/12
Bike: 1hr 08:36min (16.49mi)
To gym. A very good workout.
Wednesday, 3/28/12
Bike: 17:24min (3.77mi)
To East Rock.
Hike/Run: 54:25min
Summit: 19:28 up; 34:57 down. Ran for 5min. Felt really good.
Thursday, 3/29/12
Bike: 5min
Gym. Barely lasted 5min on the stationary bike. Now squatting 75lb. Legs are getting stronger.
Friday, 3/30/12
Bike: 19:36min (4.13mi)
To East Rock.
Hike/Run: 53:51min
Summit: 19:39 up; 34:12. Ran for 7min 03sec. Felt decent. Beautiful spring day!
Saturday, 3/31/12
Bike: 5min
Was hoping to get back on the road bike today but decided against it. Miserable weather. Gym. Squatting 100lb. The leg is definitely feeling much more solid now.
Sunday, 4/1/12
Bike: 24:03min (5.28mi)
To East Rock; then to Trailblazer. Tried on some Montrail shoes. Really liked them.
Hike/Run: 54:20min
Summit: 19:38 up; 34:42 down. Ran for 7min 43sec. Felt great. Strengthening and stretching is really starting to help.
Bike: 24:03min (5.28mi)
To East Rock; then to Trailblazer. Tried on some Montrail shoes. Really liked them.
Hike/Run: 54:20min
Summit: 19:38 up; 34:42 down. Ran for 7min 43sec. Felt great. Strengthening and stretching is really starting to help.
Total Time: 5hr 19min (22min 56sec of running)
Monday, 3/20/12
Off. The hamstring is still not close to where it needs to be, so I need to spend more time at the gym and cross-training. Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays will be my gym and cross-training days. I decided against the gym today after an activity-filled weekend left not only my right leg pretty sore but my entire body.
Tuesday, 3/21/12
Bike: 18:52min (3.99mi)
To East Rock.
Hike/Run: 54:27min
Summit: 19:26 up; 35:01 down. Still feeling a bit beat up from the weekend. Ran for 2min 46sec.
Wednesday, 3/22/12
Bike: 1hr 08:18min (16.43mi)
To gym. Leg was bothering me all day and swelled up quite a bit by the end of the workout. Things are probably going to get worse before they get better.
Thursday, 3/23/12
Off. Leg feeling only slightly better than yesterday.
Friday, 3/24/12
Bike: 1hr 06:49min (16.27mi)
To gym. Felt much better today. Only some twinges here and there.
Saturday, 3/25/12
Bike: 19:39min (4.14mi)
To East Rock.
Hike: 41:27min
Summit: 20:23 up; 21:03 down. Wasn't really feeling it.
Sunday, 3/26/12
Bike: 1hr 08:55min (16.32mi)
To gym with Jess. Nasty headwind on the way out.
Mostly biking this week (~57mi) as the ~5min of total running late last week and early this week seemed to cause a slight setback. Will try resuming a bit of running next week after a solid week of stretching and strengthening (and relative rest).
Total Time: 5hr 34min
Off. The hamstring is still not close to where it needs to be, so I need to spend more time at the gym and cross-training. Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays will be my gym and cross-training days. I decided against the gym today after an activity-filled weekend left not only my right leg pretty sore but my entire body.
Tuesday, 3/21/12
Bike: 18:52min (3.99mi)
To East Rock.
Hike/Run: 54:27min
Summit: 19:26 up; 35:01 down. Still feeling a bit beat up from the weekend. Ran for 2min 46sec.
Wednesday, 3/22/12
Bike: 1hr 08:18min (16.43mi)
To gym. Leg was bothering me all day and swelled up quite a bit by the end of the workout. Things are probably going to get worse before they get better.
Thursday, 3/23/12
Off. Leg feeling only slightly better than yesterday.
Friday, 3/24/12
Bike: 1hr 06:49min (16.27mi)
To gym. Felt much better today. Only some twinges here and there.
Saturday, 3/25/12
Bike: 19:39min (4.14mi)
To East Rock.
Hike: 41:27min
Summit: 20:23 up; 21:03 down. Wasn't really feeling it.
Sunday, 3/26/12
Bike: 1hr 08:55min (16.32mi)
To gym with Jess. Nasty headwind on the way out.
Mostly biking this week (~57mi) as the ~5min of total running late last week and early this week seemed to cause a slight setback. Will try resuming a bit of running next week after a solid week of stretching and strengthening (and relative rest).
Total Time: 5hr 34min
Monday, 3/12/12
Saturday, 3/17/12
Hike/Run: 1hr 14:34min
Summit: 19:30 up; 35:03 down. Threw in another lap on the flatter sections and about 3min 35sec of running! Wahoo!
Sunday, 3/18/12
Bike: 1hr 19:11min (18.61mi)
To gym then East Rock. Good workout.
Total Time: 5hr 36min
In Sheridan all day; then had to drive back to Bozeman. Off.
Tuesday, 3/13/12
Hike: 44:04min
Drinking Horse Mountain Trail while Jess ran in town. Legs tired and sore. Last day in Bozeman :(
Wednesday, 3/14/12
Bike: 30min
Thursday, 3/15/12
Wednesday, 3/14/12
Bike: 30min
Thursday, 3/15/12
Bike: 18:04min
To East Rock.
Hike: 1hr 1:30min
Summit: 20:38 up; 40:51 down. Could never repeat this if I tried. Got lost on some new trails coming down. Lots of good, runnable trails on what seemed to be the other side of East Rock. On the last few stretches back to my bike, I was this close to falling into a jog but reasoned: what's another few days? I can start back on Wednesday next week (14 weeks out). Seems arbitrary, as I feel just about ready now.
Friday, 3/16/12
Bike: 30min
Gym with Jess.Saturday, 3/17/12
Hike/Run: 1hr 14:34min
Summit: 19:30 up; 35:03 down. Threw in another lap on the flatter sections and about 3min 35sec of running! Wahoo!
Sunday, 3/18/12
Bike: 1hr 19:11min (18.61mi)
To gym then East Rock. Good workout.
Total Time: 5hr 36min
Monday, 3/5/12
Bike: 20min
Gym. Blah.
Tuesday, 3/6/12
Bike: 17:49min
To East Rock.
Hike: 55:19min
Summit: 19:44 up; 35:34 down. Felt pretty good, evidently. Wasn't expecting a sub-20min ascent. Took a, still, longer route back--past the first bridge to the museum. Surprisingly, no need to switch on the headlamp. Spring must really be just around the corner.
Wednesday, 3/7/12
Bike: 18:02min
To East Rock.
Hike: ~42min
Summit: ~20:30 up; ~21:30 down. Forgot my watch but kept track of time with my bike computer. Bonked about half-way up when the arthroscopy incision scar above my knee began to give me fits. Never really had that happen before. Hmm? What's more, my right IT Band (95% positive) is still acting up. I thought it was massage-related but probably, as it's now been over a week since the massage. Frustrated. Mild evening. Last PT session this morning. Walked backward on the treadmill for ~8min.
Thursday, 3/8/12
Day off.
Friday, 3/9/12
Hike: 50:37min
Drinking Horse Mountain Trail in The Bridger Range. Felt good despite 5hr on a plan and 2hr in a car.
Saturday, 3/10/12
Hike: 1hr 39:15min
The M Trails to Baldy Peak Trail. Didn't make it to the summit due to ice and inappropriate footwear. A pair of spikes would have really helped. First time hiking really, really steep, technical stuff. Perhaps a total of 1500' vertical gain. Legs were shaking on the way down. Fell twice and a stick put a nice, clean hole in my running tights :( Putts around on the trails in town afterward while Jess ran. Gorgeous day with temperatures in the mid-50s. Hard to believe but not complaining.
Sunday, 3/11/12
Hike: 1hr 11:10min
Bozeman Creek Trail. Leisurely hike while Jess ran. What a spot! Great for long runs. Just another one of Bozeman's treasures. I will miss this place but hope to return indefinitely very soon.
Total Time: 6hr 12min
Bike: 17:49min
To East Rock.
Hike: 55:19min
Summit: 19:44 up; 35:34 down. Felt pretty good, evidently. Wasn't expecting a sub-20min ascent. Took a, still, longer route back--past the first bridge to the museum. Surprisingly, no need to switch on the headlamp. Spring must really be just around the corner.
Wednesday, 3/7/12
Bike: 18:02min
To East Rock.
Hike: ~42min
Summit: ~20:30 up; ~21:30 down. Forgot my watch but kept track of time with my bike computer. Bonked about half-way up when the arthroscopy incision scar above my knee began to give me fits. Never really had that happen before. Hmm? What's more, my right IT Band (95% positive) is still acting up. I thought it was massage-related but probably, as it's now been over a week since the massage. Frustrated. Mild evening. Last PT session this morning. Walked backward on the treadmill for ~8min.
Thursday, 3/8/12
Day off.
Friday, 3/9/12
Hike: 50:37min
Drinking Horse Mountain Trail in The Bridger Range. Felt good despite 5hr on a plan and 2hr in a car.
Saturday, 3/10/12
Hike: 1hr 39:15min
The M Trails to Baldy Peak Trail. Didn't make it to the summit due to ice and inappropriate footwear. A pair of spikes would have really helped. First time hiking really, really steep, technical stuff. Perhaps a total of 1500' vertical gain. Legs were shaking on the way down. Fell twice and a stick put a nice, clean hole in my running tights :( Putts around on the trails in town afterward while Jess ran. Gorgeous day with temperatures in the mid-50s. Hard to believe but not complaining.
Sunday, 3/11/12
Hike: 1hr 11:10min
Bozeman Creek Trail. Leisurely hike while Jess ran. What a spot! Great for long runs. Just another one of Bozeman's treasures. I will miss this place but hope to return indefinitely very soon.
Total Time: 6hr 12min
Monday, 2/27/2012
Bike: 21:18min
To East Rock. Lots of traffic. Chilly. Unpleasant.
Hike: 41:44min
Summit: 20:44 up; 20:59 down. Shot. Most of the snow on the trail melted off yesterday. Much better conditions.
Tuesday, 2/28/2012
AM: Bike: 18:05min
To East Rock.
Hike: 41:27min
Summit: 20:16 up; 21:11 down. Feeling only slightly better than yesterday.
Bike: 21:18min
To East Rock. Lots of traffic. Chilly. Unpleasant.
Hike: 41:44min
Summit: 20:44 up; 20:59 down. Shot. Most of the snow on the trail melted off yesterday. Much better conditions.
Tuesday, 2/28/2012
AM: Bike: 18:05min
To East Rock.
Hike: 41:27min
Summit: 20:16 up; 21:11 down. Feeling only slightly better than yesterday.
PM: Bike: 10min
Gym. Massage with Lin at Naturegene earlier in the day.
Wednesday, 2/29/2012
Much needed day off. Shitty weather, anyway. One month to the day after resuming some semblance of a training program, I like where I'm at, I've decided.
Thursday, 3/1/2012
AM: Hike: 49:09min
Summit: 20:32 up; 28:36 down. Drove over to the trailhead with JB. She ran for a 2012 record of 38min! Had to work out a few aches but started feeling better about halfway up. Decided to come down and take a slightly longer way back to the trailhead. Decent effort, although my thoughts were wandering more than usual this morning, causing a lack of focus at times.
PM: Bike: 10min
Friday, 3/2/2012
Still some discomfort from Tuesday's massage, so took it easy.
Saturday, 3/2/2012
Bike: 10min
Gym. Only did a few of the exercises and fewer sets.
Hike: 49:11min
Summit: 20:17 up; 28:53 down. Same as Thursday. Felt good, I guess, but still some discomfort from massage.
Thursday, 3/1/2012
AM: Hike: 49:09min
Summit: 20:32 up; 28:36 down. Drove over to the trailhead with JB. She ran for a 2012 record of 38min! Had to work out a few aches but started feeling better about halfway up. Decided to come down and take a slightly longer way back to the trailhead. Decent effort, although my thoughts were wandering more than usual this morning, causing a lack of focus at times.
PM: Bike: 10min
Friday, 3/2/2012
Still some discomfort from Tuesday's massage, so took it easy.
Saturday, 3/2/2012
Bike: 10min
Gym. Only did a few of the exercises and fewer sets.
Hike: 49:11min
Summit: 20:17 up; 28:53 down. Same as Thursday. Felt good, I guess, but still some discomfort from massage.
Sunday, 3/3/2012
Bike: 17:37min
To East Rock.
Hike: 47:08min
Summit: 19:15 up; 27:52 down. New PR up. Felt really good today despite feeling like shit the other six days of the week. Perhaps it was that can of salmon and self-massage with muscle rub yesterday.
Total Time: 5hr 13min
Total Time: 5hr 13min
Monday, 2/20/2012
Bike: 30min
Stationary bike at NHHR. And all the other crap that you do at the gym.
Hike: 58:48min
West Rock with JB. Westville Feeder to Regicides to Green to Red. Nice loop. Mostly runnable.
Tuesday, 2/21/2012
Bike: 18:22min
To East Rock.
Hike: 41:04min
Summit: 20:14 up; 20:49 down. Obviously, didn't feel as strong today. I did just receive a report from Jess, however, that she had a nice pain-free outing. Must have been that massage last night.
Wednesday, 2/22/2012
Bike: 15min
Thought I'd take it easy. Plus gym stuff.
Thursday, 2/23/2012
AM: Bike: 10min
PT. Walked backward on the treadmill for a few minutes.
PM: Bike: 18:03min
To East Rock.
Hike: 40:18min
Summit: 19:21 up; 20:57 down. Felt great! Fastest time yet to the top. In the dark coming down. Still working on my biomechanics. Think I figured it out.
Friday, 2/24/2012
Bike: 15min
Saturday, 2/25/2012
Hike: 41:59min
Summit: 20:59 up; 21:00 down. A bit of snow on the ground from a few nights ago made for a slower hike.
Sunday, 2/26/2012
Bike: 18:22min
To East Rock.
Hike: 41:04min
Summit: 20:14 up; 20:49 down. Obviously, didn't feel as strong today. I did just receive a report from Jess, however, that she had a nice pain-free outing. Must have been that massage last night.
Wednesday, 2/22/2012
Bike: 15min
Thought I'd take it easy. Plus gym stuff.
Thursday, 2/23/2012
AM: Bike: 10min
PT. Walked backward on the treadmill for a few minutes.
PM: Bike: 18:03min
To East Rock.
Hike: 40:18min
Summit: 19:21 up; 20:57 down. Felt great! Fastest time yet to the top. In the dark coming down. Still working on my biomechanics. Think I figured it out.
Friday, 2/24/2012
Bike: 15min
Saturday, 2/25/2012
Hike: 41:59min
Summit: 20:59 up; 21:00 down. A bit of snow on the ground from a few nights ago made for a slower hike.
Sunday, 2/26/2012
Hike: 55:02min
Same as Monday. Muddy.
Bike: 15min
Total Time: 5hr 56min
Total Time: 5hr 56min
Monday, 2/13/12
Bike: 22:21min
To East Rock; then to PT. Wind made for a cold ride. Walked backward on the treadmill for 5min.
Hike: 40:49min
Summit: 20:11 up; 20:37 down. Felt quite strong. It's just a matter of time before I'm quicker coming down.
Tuesday, 2/14/12
Bike: 30min
Tight afterward. Stretched out well and did the hamstring exercises.
Wednesday, 2/15/12
Bike: ~21min
To East Rock.
Hike: 40:30min
Summit: 20:04 up; 20: 26 down. Stiff getting started. Likely due to a combination of the more challenging exercises introduced at PT on Monday and overdoing it on the bike and with stretching yesterday. I'm trying not to be too aggressive with the stretching, but I really need to get my right hamstring/hip/side stretched out. There's an enormous difference in flexibility between my right and left sides.
Thursday, 2/16/12
Hike: 41:24min
Bike: 22:21min
To East Rock; then to PT. Wind made for a cold ride. Walked backward on the treadmill for 5min.
Hike: 40:49min
Summit: 20:11 up; 20:37 down. Felt quite strong. It's just a matter of time before I'm quicker coming down.
Tuesday, 2/14/12
Bike: 30min
Tight afterward. Stretched out well and did the hamstring exercises.
Wednesday, 2/15/12
Bike: ~21min
To East Rock.
Hike: 40:30min
Summit: 20:04 up; 20: 26 down. Stiff getting started. Likely due to a combination of the more challenging exercises introduced at PT on Monday and overdoing it on the bike and with stretching yesterday. I'm trying not to be too aggressive with the stretching, but I really need to get my right hamstring/hip/side stretched out. There's an enormous difference in flexibility between my right and left sides.
Thursday, 2/16/12
Hike: 41:24min
Summit: 19:43 up; 21:40 down. Felt really good heading up and broke 20min for the first time! Switched on the headlamp on the way down. Rainy. PT earlier in the day. Walked backward on the treadmill for ~8min.
Friday, 2/17/12
AM: Hike: ~42:00min
Summit. Forgot my watch. Didn't have the same pep as yesterday.
PM: Bike: 10min
Core, other exercises, and stretched out. Tried some single-legged squats.
Saturday, 2/18/12
Hike: 2hr 19:03min (~5mi in West Rock; ~1mi in Woodbridge)
Started at the north end of Lake Wintergreen. Red to White to Purple to Regicides--down the west side of the ridge and then back up (Woodbridge trails)--to Orange to White. Hadn't planned this longer outing but took a wrong turn and had to double-back. Most of these trails are not really runnable, so I didn't feel too bad having to hike. Still, these trails do not in any way shape or form compare to the trails that we've hiked/run in Montana. They're full of leaves and broken glass. I'm itching to get back out west and hike some real trails. I felt pretty good. Let's just hope I'm not paying for it the next few days. Making steady progress on training my right leg to work more like my left leg. That is, using and getting more into the glutes/hips, landing directly under my hip and center of gravity, etc. Since the surgery, I've been paying much more attention to the way my legs work, and I've noticed that my right leg does not swing directly from front to back, but internally rotates, at the hip, causing a cross-over gait, over-striding, etc. It was a complete disaster.
Friday, 2/17/12
AM: Hike: ~42:00min
Summit. Forgot my watch. Didn't have the same pep as yesterday.
PM: Bike: 10min
Core, other exercises, and stretched out. Tried some single-legged squats.
Saturday, 2/18/12
Hike: 2hr 19:03min (~5mi in West Rock; ~1mi in Woodbridge)
Started at the north end of Lake Wintergreen. Red to White to Purple to Regicides--down the west side of the ridge and then back up (Woodbridge trails)--to Orange to White. Hadn't planned this longer outing but took a wrong turn and had to double-back. Most of these trails are not really runnable, so I didn't feel too bad having to hike. Still, these trails do not in any way shape or form compare to the trails that we've hiked/run in Montana. They're full of leaves and broken glass. I'm itching to get back out west and hike some real trails. I felt pretty good. Let's just hope I'm not paying for it the next few days. Making steady progress on training my right leg to work more like my left leg. That is, using and getting more into the glutes/hips, landing directly under my hip and center of gravity, etc. Since the surgery, I've been paying much more attention to the way my legs work, and I've noticed that my right leg does not swing directly from front to back, but internally rotates, at the hip, causing a cross-over gait, over-striding, etc. It was a complete disaster.
Sunday, 2/19/12
Bike: 18:53min
To East Rock. Love riding when there's no one on the road.
Hike: 21:11min
Shake-out. Kept to the flatter sections. Definitely some soreness from yesterday.
Total Time: 7hr 4min
Monday, 2/6/12
Bike: 15min
At PT. Felt quite good. Introduced four hamstring exercises beforehand. Some felt awkward, as I hadn't used those muscles in ~2mos.
Tuesday, 2/7/12
Bike: ~22min
To East Rock.
Hike: 44:06min
Summit: 21:22 up; 22:43 down. Stiff getting started but loosened up quite quickly. Had some weird pain in my right big toe.
Wednesday, 2/8/12
Bike: 30min
Stretched out and did hamstring exercises afterward.
Thursday, 2/9/12
Bike: 30min
A harder effort. Stretched out and did hamstring exercises afterward. Even tried some squats.
Friday, 2/10/12
Bike: ~23min
To East Rock.
Hike: 41:44min
Summit: 20:20 up; 21:24 down. Felt really good.
Saturday, 2/11/12
Hike: 41:05min
Summit: 20:04 up: 21:01 down. Was trying to break 20min up. Strongest I've felt coming down. Squats afterward. Jess ran for 30+min with no pain!
Sunday, 2/12/12
Bike: 30min
Hard effort. Reintroduced abs.
Total Time: 4hr 36min
Bike: 15min
At PT. Felt quite good. Introduced four hamstring exercises beforehand. Some felt awkward, as I hadn't used those muscles in ~2mos.
Tuesday, 2/7/12
Bike: ~22min
To East Rock.
Hike: 44:06min
Summit: 21:22 up; 22:43 down. Stiff getting started but loosened up quite quickly. Had some weird pain in my right big toe.
Wednesday, 2/8/12
Bike: 30min
Stretched out and did hamstring exercises afterward.
Thursday, 2/9/12
Bike: 30min
A harder effort. Stretched out and did hamstring exercises afterward. Even tried some squats.
Friday, 2/10/12
Bike: ~23min
To East Rock.
Hike: 41:44min
Summit: 20:20 up; 21:24 down. Felt really good.
Saturday, 2/11/12
Hike: 41:05min
Summit: 20:04 up: 21:01 down. Was trying to break 20min up. Strongest I've felt coming down. Squats afterward. Jess ran for 30+min with no pain!
Sunday, 2/12/12
Bike: 30min
Hard effort. Reintroduced abs.
Total Time: 4hr 36min
8 weeks and a day
So, I finally had the long-awaited follow-up with the doc this morning. He's "optimistic." He said that I can now do unlimited amounts of low impact cardiovascular exercise but to hold off on the running for another 6 weeks. I'm ok with that as I don't think I'm ready to run yet anyway. There are definitely at least a few kinks to work out, namely the discomfort at the arthroscopy incision above my knee with knee flexion and a cramping feeling in the hamstring (also with flexion). Both of these issues limit my ability to strengthen the hamstring and thus safely run.
8 weeks post-surgery
No active hamstring exercises or isometrics for ~7-8wks. said the doc, so 8 in a way is a magic number. Magic in the sense that I can finally use the hamstring muscles again--not that they'll actually work the way they're supposed to, unfortunately. There's no question that I've come a long way from the days that I couldn't bear even an ounce of weight on the leg, but now that I've come this far--sustained, vigorous uphill hiking and biking--I just want to run again. Before I could hike or bike, all I wanted to do was hike or bike, but now that I'm doing these things again, I want to take it that one step further. After all, this is what I'm in it for. I suppose that a bit of patience for another 4-6wks. will treat me well, so I'll just hang in there and hope for the best.
Sunday, 1/29/12
Hike: 50:44min
I was sitting on the couch bored out of my mind, so I decided to test out the leg for the first time since surgery. It worked out to be 45 days of complete rest. I headed over to the East Rock trailhead at Orange and Farnam and worked my way up to the top of East Rock. It took about 24 minutes to get to the top and 26 minutes to get back down to the bottom. Felt fine.
Monday, 1/30/12
AM Hike: 32:49min
Headed over to the same East Rock trailhead, climbed only the steepest parts of the same route (to the third crossing), and then came back down. 15:48 up; 17:01 down. Other than some general soreness, felt fine.
PM Bike: 10min
First time back on the bike since surgery (stationary). Felt fine.
Tuesday, 1/31/12
Bike: 15min
At PT. Felt better than yesterday.
Wednesday, 2/1/12
Bike: ~15min
Felt good.
Thursday, 2/2/12
Hike: 36:14min
To the fourth crossing and back. Felt pretty good on the way up but then was kind of sore on the way down. 17:26 up; 18:48 down.
Friday, 2/3/12
Bike: 20min
Bumped it up to 4 or 5. Felt good.
Saturday, 2/4/12
Bike: ~23min
To East Rock with Jess, Dan, and Caroline.
Hike: 46:37min
Summit. 22:27 up; 24:09 down
Sunday, 2/5/12
Bike: ~22min
To East Rock.
Hike: 31:53min
Legs tired so went to only third crossing. Cold. 15:14 up; 16:39 down
Total Time: 5hr
Hike: 50:44min
I was sitting on the couch bored out of my mind, so I decided to test out the leg for the first time since surgery. It worked out to be 45 days of complete rest. I headed over to the East Rock trailhead at Orange and Farnam and worked my way up to the top of East Rock. It took about 24 minutes to get to the top and 26 minutes to get back down to the bottom. Felt fine.
Monday, 1/30/12
AM Hike: 32:49min
Headed over to the same East Rock trailhead, climbed only the steepest parts of the same route (to the third crossing), and then came back down. 15:48 up; 17:01 down. Other than some general soreness, felt fine.
PM Bike: 10min
First time back on the bike since surgery (stationary). Felt fine.
Tuesday, 1/31/12
Bike: 15min
At PT. Felt better than yesterday.
Wednesday, 2/1/12
Bike: ~15min
Felt good.
Thursday, 2/2/12
Hike: 36:14min
To the fourth crossing and back. Felt pretty good on the way up but then was kind of sore on the way down. 17:26 up; 18:48 down.
Friday, 2/3/12
Bike: 20min
Bumped it up to 4 or 5. Felt good.
Saturday, 2/4/12
Bike: ~23min
To East Rock with Jess, Dan, and Caroline.
Hike: 46:37min
Summit. 22:27 up; 24:09 down
Sunday, 2/5/12
Bike: ~22min
To East Rock.
Hike: 31:53min
Legs tired so went to only third crossing. Cold. 15:14 up; 16:39 down
Total Time: 5hr
49 days post-surgery
I had my sixth PT session yesterday, and the PT said that it doesn't even look like I had surgery. Even though my PT prescription says no active hamstring exercises or isometrics until about 7 to 8 weeks, the PT still was not comfortable adding these exercises, so she gave me some other more challenging exercises, in addition to 15 minutes on the stationary bike. The PT said that she will give me the hamstring stuff on Monday, so that I will have something to report to the doctor on Thursday.
Stretching and Flexibility
There was a time when I would stretch regularly and as a result could actually touch my toes, but those days are long gone. Given where I am today--that my current setback likely was caused by inflexibility--I regret neglecting the stretch.
From a very young age, the importance of stretching was ingrained in me by my baseball coaches. We never started a practice before loosening up. I carried that over to my running but somewhere along the line lost sight of that importance. In 2006, I lived just north of the Upper East Side, in Spanish Harlem, and belonged to the 92nd Street Y. There, I would always stretch out before jumping on the treadmill or bike. And I could touch my toes! Now, I struggle to push past my shins. What happened?
I increased my mileage and seemed to have time for only running. My chiropractor told me that to an extent tight muscles are a good thing. He said that we produce more energy from tightly wound muscles than we do from overstretched muscles. However, there's an ideal degree of flexibility that one must attain in order to maximize his/her potential as a runner and stay injury-free. There's no question that I have my work cut out for me.
On a more positive note, I got out on the trails for the first time since my surgery today. I hiked up/down East Rock in 50:44. Everything felt pretty good. I look forward to getting back out there on a more regular basis in the coming weeks. Depending on how I feel tomorrow, I think I could probably do that hike every morning.
There's no question that my right leg has atrophied significantly, so I measured around the fattest part of my quad/ham and got 19.5" for the left and 18.0" for right. Yikes!
From a very young age, the importance of stretching was ingrained in me by my baseball coaches. We never started a practice before loosening up. I carried that over to my running but somewhere along the line lost sight of that importance. In 2006, I lived just north of the Upper East Side, in Spanish Harlem, and belonged to the 92nd Street Y. There, I would always stretch out before jumping on the treadmill or bike. And I could touch my toes! Now, I struggle to push past my shins. What happened?
I increased my mileage and seemed to have time for only running. My chiropractor told me that to an extent tight muscles are a good thing. He said that we produce more energy from tightly wound muscles than we do from overstretched muscles. However, there's an ideal degree of flexibility that one must attain in order to maximize his/her potential as a runner and stay injury-free. There's no question that I have my work cut out for me.
On a more positive note, I got out on the trails for the first time since my surgery today. I hiked up/down East Rock in 50:44. Everything felt pretty good. I look forward to getting back out there on a more regular basis in the coming weeks. Depending on how I feel tomorrow, I think I could probably do that hike every morning.
There's no question that my right leg has atrophied significantly, so I measured around the fattest part of my quad/ham and got 19.5" for the left and 18.0" for right. Yikes!
42 days post-surgery
First, a look at the remaining schedule:
1/31: PT #6
2/6: PT #7
2/9: Follow-up with Dr. Medvecky
I'm now able to walk to and from work (about a mile round-trip). This morning's walk over felt great. Very encouraging. I still have a "hitch in my giddyup," as a colleague so kindly pointed out yesterday, but everyday it seems to get a little better. Otherwise, there's not much else to report.
1/31: PT #6
2/6: PT #7
2/9: Follow-up with Dr. Medvecky
I'm now able to walk to and from work (about a mile round-trip). This morning's walk over felt great. Very encouraging. I still have a "hitch in my giddyup," as a colleague so kindly pointed out yesterday, but everyday it seems to get a little better. Otherwise, there's not much else to report.
35 days post-surgery
I completely ditched the last crutch a few days ago. I walked to O'Tooles for a beer and then to Claire's for dinner last night. It might have been too much, but I feel fine today after my fourth physical therapy session. I think things are moving in the right direction--getting a little stronger everyday. I'm really itching to get back on the bike. Only a few more weeks.
Missoula Marathon 2012
Someone has put a bug in my ear about the Missoula Marathon 2012. It will be held on July 8th, the weekend immediately following the weekend of our wedding in Bozeman. As I know the entire world knows by now, I am recovering from knee surgery and uncertain about my abilities to run any distance this year, let alone a marathon. However, I would not rule out a second opportunity to make a comeback at this year's Missoula Marathon. Given that we are expecting a handful of our marathoning friends to celebrate with us in Bozeman, perhaps we could all head up to Missoula post-wedding and run us a 26.2mi race!? I made my comeback from foot surgery at the 2010 installment of the Missoula Marathon and clocked an impressive time of 4:02 (I know, I know). If it weren't for a calf cramp at 25.5mi, I could have possibly slid in under 4:00 (I know!). But I was happy with that time. And I would be happy just to be given a second opportunity to run that race. Time wouldn't matter. Long gone are the days of dreaming for that elusive 3:30. I think I'd be much more content slogging through mile after mile at 10min pace injury-free.
In other news, Jess, who sports a 3:31 PR in the 26.2mi event (a rock-star, I know), has just begun running again after a six-week break to heal an ailing knee. There's no doubt in my mind that she'll be ready to go come July to represent Team Lamanna.
In other news, Jess, who sports a 3:31 PR in the 26.2mi event (a rock-star, I know), has just begun running again after a six-week break to heal an ailing knee. There's no doubt in my mind that she'll be ready to go come July to represent Team Lamanna.
28 days post-surgery
I had my third PT session this morning. This time with Laura. She added a few more new exercises. Single-legged toe raises! I'm a bit sore in spots from the more aggressive exercises but a good sore. Within the next two weeks, I hope to be crutch-free.
A very skinny, atrophied quad, but the swelling has gone way down.
Nice scar!
21 days post-surgery
I am officially down to one crutch and can shuffle around my room and other small spaces without any crutch at all. The strength is definitely returning. Flexibility? Not so much. Fully extending my leg while standing is still very difficult.
The swelling has all but subsided.
Stitches dissolved; one last piece of scab there
2012 Goals
It's impossible for me to set running goals for 2012, as I am still recovering from surgery and not yet sure when I can begin running again. When one is healthy, it's quite easy to set goals, as there's a basis for them. I don't have that yet. Maybe impossible is the wrong word. Perhaps I meant ill-advised, as I don't want to set myself up for disappointment.
My goals, therefore, are more geared toward regaining my strength. All I'm interested in doing right now is strengthening my leg back up. I want 100% strength in my legs before I take even a single running step. And if it takes all of 2012 to meet that goal, then so be it. I don't want to jeopardize the healing process. The three-stage healing process, that is: inflammation, proliferation and remodeling. I must be smart about things. I will be smart about things.
I am now 18 days post-surgery and still feel confident that things will eventually return to normal. I do have my ups and downs, but I mostly feel content. The plan is to continue physical therapy one time per week for the next several weeks and then to see the surgeon back in early February. I believe that, by then, I will have ditched the last crutch and be ready to begin strengthening my leg back up, riding my bicycle, etc.
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