
Back In Action

I did an 8 mile hilly trail run on Sunday with no knee/leg pain, so I'm somewhat optimistic about MDI marathon in October. The strenuous hiking in bozeman seemed to strengthen whatever needed to be strengthened and get me back on track. Only problem now is that biking irritates my knee/leg. The pain has recently migrated to the side of my hamstring where I have a huge knot after some seat adjustments. 3 times a day on the foam roller is taking care of it, but I'm wondering if the biking was the problem all along. Either way my new plan is to get as strong as possible. That means hills, trails, and stairs. I do the most hilly trail runs I can find. Weekdays that usually means multiple trips up east rock giant steps trail and on weekends west rock. And every opportunity I get I also take the stairs. I live on the 18th floor of an apartment building. You can only get to the stairs from the 6th floor, but 11 flights of stairs still gets the muscles warm, especially if carrying grocercies. I'm also making an effort to boost my protein intake. Lots of smoothies with hemp, soy, spirulina, chia, and flax. And kale, beets, carrots, and all kinds of fruit of course.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Interesting re bike as possible cause of knee problem. You've gotta get out here soon and check it out. The trail running is INSANE.