Monday, 8/13/12- Bike to/from gym and strength training.
Tuesday, 8/14/12- Grizzly Peak w/Jess. Not feeling it at all even though I think I set a new PR to the top. Jess pushed the pace the whole way. 31:40. See workout to the top
here. I thought I had recorded the descent but when I got back to the trailhead, there was maybe two seconds of recorded running. The whole run took about 52min, and I was completely shot when I got back to the car. :(
Wednesday, 8/15/12- Some swimming but mostly lounging around. Didn't make sense to do a gym workout, as the leg was feeling tight from what I think was overstretching. Can't quite figure out the hamstring stretch.
Thursday, 8/16/12- To and around Lithia Park w/Jess. 45min. Felt pretty good. Soaked in the creek, walked home barefoot, and then hit up the gym. Did a decent workout there. I was hoping to have my new Garmin watch for today's run, but perhaps tomorrow.
Friday, 8/17/12- Finally got my Garmin. 35ish minutes around Lithia Park. Details
here until I figure out how to get a feed working on this blog.
Saturday, 8/18/12- Bike to/from gym and strength training.
Sunday, 8/19/12- Got up early to run with Jess before work. Felt pretty good. Great run. Check it out
here. The one hitch on this run was where the ditch dead-ended. We exited up the stairs and then went left down the paved road to yet another dead-end. We then took the ditch back to where it dead-ends again and went right down a side trail, which emptied out onto another paved road. From there, we could not figure out how to circumvent the closed off section of the ditch and get back onto the ditch, so we ran down some steep paved roads, which I was hoping to avoid today. Oh, well.
Total: 4:02 (23.19mi)