Strength training at home.
3.1mi; 32min 11sec
AM Barefoot run in Guilford. Chip and seal burned up my feet pretty good.
PM Bike ride with Jess in Guilford. Strength training at home.
2.2mi; 22min 30sec
Took a half day. Couldn't bear to be in the office any longer on such a nice day. Barefoot run in Guilford. Planned shorter run, as my left heel was feeling sore and achy. Did at least a few more minutes with Jess afterward. Strength training at home. Harvested and juiced some wheatgrass for the first time. Yum. Hoping to make this a daily thing.
Nada on the exercise front. Picked up a few pots and a tray at Salvation Army for wheatgrass and barley grass. Started some more wheatgrass and barley grass. Now I need to get me a wheatgrass juicer. The centrifugal ones are not ideal for juicing wheatgrass, I've learned.
2.1mi; 23min 49sec
Barefoot run in Guilford. I think the warmer pavement is giving me blisters. My brother gave me a Timex heart rate monitor. My heart rate at an 11mpm pace was in the 150s. Seems high. Guess I'm out of shape. Growing tired of running only 7mpw. Stretched out on the Green afterward. Strength training at home.
To celebrate this big week of running a whopping 7.4 miles, I think I'll go out and get drunk off half priced wine at 116 Crown tonight. Sounds like a plan.
Total barefoot miles: 7.4
I no longer own a pair of running shoes
I've sold my NB Minimus Road ($39) and VFF ($54) on eBay. I now have only my bare feet. Once my injury heals--and I think it's come a long way since going unshod full-time--I'll probably buy a pair of sandals for hot days. Right now, though, I don't see a need for them. Initially, I had a bit of trouble with rocks, but I don't really feel them anymore. Even chipped pavement is now tolerable. With time, my pace has also increased. I could run a lot harder, but I hold back because of the injury. I look forward to running harder when I'm 100% healthy.
Great website:
Great video:
Great website:
Great video:
Week 4 of Barefoot Running
Strength training at home. Half-assed it, though, as there are too many distractions at home. Gotta get back to the gym.
Strength training at home.
3.1mi; 31min 27sec
Barefoot run in Guilford. Didn't feel as good as I thought I would after having taken a few days off.
Strength training at home.
2.3mi; 26 min 13sec
Barefoot run in Guilford. Incorporated some chip and seal pavement. It's good for working on form, as you don't want to be pushing off this stuff, but lifting your feet. Also, there's no over-striding, but landing right under your center of gravity. Good stuff.
Strength training at home. Massage at SeaStones in Guilford. Had her whale away on the hammies.
3.4mi; 37min 24sec
Barefoot run in Guilford. More chip and seal. Felt pretty good.
Total barefoot miles: 8.8
Strength training at home. Half-assed it, though, as there are too many distractions at home. Gotta get back to the gym.
Strength training at home.
3.1mi; 31min 27sec
Barefoot run in Guilford. Didn't feel as good as I thought I would after having taken a few days off.
Strength training at home.
2.3mi; 26 min 13sec
Barefoot run in Guilford. Incorporated some chip and seal pavement. It's good for working on form, as you don't want to be pushing off this stuff, but lifting your feet. Also, there's no over-striding, but landing right under your center of gravity. Good stuff.
Strength training at home. Massage at SeaStones in Guilford. Had her whale away on the hammies.
3.4mi; 37min 24sec
Barefoot run in Guilford. More chip and seal. Felt pretty good.
Total barefoot miles: 8.8
Chuck Engle
This guy's known for running a ton of marathons every year, but check out what he did on 4/17 and 4/18. After running London, he hopped on a plane to Boston and ran Boston almost one minute faster than London!
4/18/11; Boston Marathon; 2:46:42
4/17/11; London Marathon; 2:47:23
4/10/11; Vernonia Marathon; 2:38:58
4/2/11; Yakima River Canyon Marathon; 2:41:22
3/27/11; River City Marathon; 2:42:16
2/27/11; Cowtown Marathon; 2:50:17
4/18/11; Boston Marathon; 2:46:42
4/17/11; London Marathon; 2:47:23
4/10/11; Vernonia Marathon; 2:38:58
4/2/11; Yakima River Canyon Marathon; 2:41:22
3/27/11; River City Marathon; 2:42:16
2/27/11; Cowtown Marathon; 2:50:17
An historic day in Boston
Jess and I were in Boston today for the marathon.
Geoffrey Mutai set a new course record of 2:03:02 (fastest marathon EVER)!!!
More impressive, in my opinion, was Ryan Hall's 2:04:48--a new American record! He absolutely crushed his PR...and by coaching himself.
Geoffrey Mutai set a new course record of 2:03:02 (fastest marathon EVER)!!!
More impressive, in my opinion, was Ryan Hall's 2:04:48--a new American record! He absolutely crushed his PR...and by coaching himself.
Week 3 of Barefoot Running
1.9 mi; 20min 14sec
Barefoot run in Guilford. Ball of left foot was sore for first few minutes but then cleared up.
Strength training at NHHR.
3mi; 33min 43sec
Out and back on Branford Trolley Trail in NB Minimus. Right up there with the most miserable runs of my life. Right leg was giving me all kind of trouble.
Strength training at NHHR in my TOMS.
2.1mi; 23 min 1sec
Barefoot run in Guilford. Best barefoot run to date. Absolutely pain-free. Amazing, given the way I felt on Wednesday. Beginning to think that I could run barefoot full-time.
Strength training at NHHR. Introduced some jumping rope. TOMS are perfect for this. Listed my New Balance Minimus Road and Vibram FiveFingers KSO on eBay.
2.7mi; 26min 42sec
Barefoot run in Guilford. Longest and fastest barefoot run to date. Everything felt great. Stretched out hammies really well on Green afterward with Thera-Band stretching strap. Decided that I'd like to do a 5k barefoot next weekend. Anyone interested?
Total barefoot miles: 6.7
Jess and I decided that we will be returning to Missoula in July for the marathon/half-marathon. Jess might do the marathon, and if the stars align, I might do the half-marathon barefoot or in sandals if it's too hot. We're then planning on going to Yellowstone. Anyone interested?
1.9 mi; 20min 14sec
Barefoot run in Guilford. Ball of left foot was sore for first few minutes but then cleared up.
Strength training at NHHR.
3mi; 33min 43sec
Out and back on Branford Trolley Trail in NB Minimus. Right up there with the most miserable runs of my life. Right leg was giving me all kind of trouble.
Strength training at NHHR in my TOMS.
2.1mi; 23 min 1sec
Barefoot run in Guilford. Best barefoot run to date. Absolutely pain-free. Amazing, given the way I felt on Wednesday. Beginning to think that I could run barefoot full-time.
Strength training at NHHR. Introduced some jumping rope. TOMS are perfect for this. Listed my New Balance Minimus Road and Vibram FiveFingers KSO on eBay.
2.7mi; 26min 42sec
Barefoot run in Guilford. Longest and fastest barefoot run to date. Everything felt great. Stretched out hammies really well on Green afterward with Thera-Band stretching strap. Decided that I'd like to do a 5k barefoot next weekend. Anyone interested?
Total barefoot miles: 6.7
Jess and I decided that we will be returning to Missoula in July for the marathon/half-marathon. Jess might do the marathon, and if the stars align, I might do the half-marathon barefoot or in sandals if it's too hot. We're then planning on going to Yellowstone. Anyone interested?
Longest barefoot run to date
I did 23 minutes and 1 second of pain free barefoot running tonight. Just over 2 miles. This comes on the heels of one of the most miserable runs of my life in the NB Minimus on Wednesday. Shoes are evil!
Here's a video of me running barefoot tonight after finishing up:
Here's a video of me running barefoot tonight after finishing up:
Week 2 of Barefoot Running
PM: Strength training at NHHR.
PM: Barefoot run in Guilford. Roadways were wet and cold. Feet got numb in spots within only a few minutes of running. (16min 10sec).
AM: Saw Dr. Cohen at Connecticut Orthopaedics Specialists for a second opinion on the right leg. I've come to the conclusion that doctors have no clue and that medicine is by and large guesswork. Before Cohen even looked at me, he ordered X-rays, and until I told him that the previous doctor thought hamstring tendonitis, he wasn't even thinking that. Then he changed his mind. He suggested an MRI, since he couldn't conclude a thing on examination.
PM: Strength training at NHHR.
PM: Worked until about 8/pm and then did a barefoot run in Stony Creek. (10min 24sec).
AM: MRI on my right leg. (1hr).
PM: Threw on the VFFs for 2.6 miles in 27 minutes. Ran out-and-back on the BT trail. Stubbed a toe on the bridge. Thought I had broken it, but it seems fine now. However, the ball of my left foot was giving me trouble. It felt like I was landing on a small, flat rock right behind my second met. Did some strength training at home afterwards.
Started out barefoot around the Guilford Green. Only made it a few minutes before the ball of my left foot started acting up. Threw on the Minimus and ran 5 miles in 51 minutes. Only a few twinges in the leg. Encouraging? It never seizes to amaze me what a decent outing can do to change my mind. My mind had been made up, after a bunch of shitty outings, that I wouldn't be able to get my running back in time to do a long race in the fall. Now I'm thinking that everything will be OK.
Strength training at NHHR.
Total barefoot miles: 2.1
Of note: Last night, I made Spaghetti Squash with Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Chickpeas. Delicious. The recipe, among others, can be found here: http://chicvegan.com/6-delectable-spaghetti-squash-recipes/. I think that might have been my first time cooking with spaghetti squash. Fun. Also, I'm currently reading "The Last American Man" by Elizabeth Gilbert. So far, great read. Highly recommended.
PM: Strength training at NHHR.
PM: Barefoot run in Guilford. Roadways were wet and cold. Feet got numb in spots within only a few minutes of running. (16min 10sec).
AM: Saw Dr. Cohen at Connecticut Orthopaedics Specialists for a second opinion on the right leg. I've come to the conclusion that doctors have no clue and that medicine is by and large guesswork. Before Cohen even looked at me, he ordered X-rays, and until I told him that the previous doctor thought hamstring tendonitis, he wasn't even thinking that. Then he changed his mind. He suggested an MRI, since he couldn't conclude a thing on examination.
PM: Strength training at NHHR.
PM: Worked until about 8/pm and then did a barefoot run in Stony Creek. (10min 24sec).
AM: MRI on my right leg. (1hr).
PM: Threw on the VFFs for 2.6 miles in 27 minutes. Ran out-and-back on the BT trail. Stubbed a toe on the bridge. Thought I had broken it, but it seems fine now. However, the ball of my left foot was giving me trouble. It felt like I was landing on a small, flat rock right behind my second met. Did some strength training at home afterwards.
Started out barefoot around the Guilford Green. Only made it a few minutes before the ball of my left foot started acting up. Threw on the Minimus and ran 5 miles in 51 minutes. Only a few twinges in the leg. Encouraging? It never seizes to amaze me what a decent outing can do to change my mind. My mind had been made up, after a bunch of shitty outings, that I wouldn't be able to get my running back in time to do a long race in the fall. Now I'm thinking that everything will be OK.
Strength training at NHHR.
Total barefoot miles: 2.1
Of note: Last night, I made Spaghetti Squash with Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Chickpeas. Delicious. The recipe, among others, can be found here: http://chicvegan.com/6-delectable-spaghetti-squash-recipes/. I think that might have been my first time cooking with spaghetti squash. Fun. Also, I'm currently reading "The Last American Man" by Elizabeth Gilbert. So far, great read. Highly recommended.
tendon rescue
I got me a tube of this stuff at the Vitamin Shoppe. Hoping it helps.
Week 1 of Barefoot Running
PM: Out and back to Guilford Green on the bike. (13mi; 51min). Stopped to do my very first barefoot run on pavement. (5min 12sec).
PM: Up and down East Rock trails in NB Minimus Road with Jess. Shouldn't have done this run. Was very cranky afterward due to nagging hamstring tendonitis. (4mi; 47min). Strength training at NHHR with Jess.
AM: To Branford train station on the bike. (5mi; 21min).
PM: From Branford train station on the bike. (5mi; 20min). Second barefoot run on pavement in Stony Creek. (9min 30sec).
PM: Strength training at NHHR with Jess.
PM: Third barefoot run on pavement in Guilford. Wet pavement made for very cold feet. (10min 57sec).
Strength training at NHRR; then biked out on 146 for a bit. (7mi; 28min).
Dropped Jess off at the Bimblers Bash 10k(ish) trail race in Guilford and then drove over to the Green. Fourth barefoot run on pavement. Felt great. See video below. (15min 6sec).
Total barefoot miles: 3.5
My goal is to not run a single shod mile during the month of April (that's what I meant in my previous post).
PM: Out and back to Guilford Green on the bike. (13mi; 51min). Stopped to do my very first barefoot run on pavement. (5min 12sec).
PM: Up and down East Rock trails in NB Minimus Road with Jess. Shouldn't have done this run. Was very cranky afterward due to nagging hamstring tendonitis. (4mi; 47min). Strength training at NHHR with Jess.
AM: To Branford train station on the bike. (5mi; 21min).
PM: From Branford train station on the bike. (5mi; 20min). Second barefoot run on pavement in Stony Creek. (9min 30sec).
PM: Strength training at NHHR with Jess.
PM: Third barefoot run on pavement in Guilford. Wet pavement made for very cold feet. (10min 57sec).
Strength training at NHRR; then biked out on 146 for a bit. (7mi; 28min).
Dropped Jess off at the Bimblers Bash 10k(ish) trail race in Guilford and then drove over to the Green. Fourth barefoot run on pavement. Felt great. See video below. (15min 6sec).
Total barefoot miles: 3.5
My goal is to not run a single shod mile during the month of April (that's what I meant in my previous post).
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