
Top Dog


Top Dog at the 2010 Goshen Turkey Trot 1 min 35 seconds into video

Week 4

Did somewhere in the neighborhood of 46 miles this week. It was designed as a recovery week, and I think it played out that way. Might have gone a bit too hard today, and I twisted my right knee, but we'll see tomorrow. I can tell within only a few minutes of running the next effort whether the previous effort was too intense.

Today's trail running at Meshomasic State Forest was pretty difficult. There were some steep, rocky parts where it was difficult to get a good footing...made worse by the fallen leaves. I guess it's good to mix up the terrain every now and again.

Today's run before the phone died

We tacked on about another four.


Running everyday (and in the AM)

Since resuming running only a few days after the Green Mountain Marathon, I've missed only a handful of days of running (by choice). More or less, I've been running everyday, and it feels good. This has allowed me to increase my mileage quite easily. Cramming miles into only four days of running, which I did during my last marathon build-up, was much more difficult.

Shortly after the recent time-change, I began running in the morning. I was worried about how my body would react to such a drastic change, but it turned out to be a pretty easy transition. On most days, I'm out the door and running by 7/am. Yesterday, Jessica managed to get me up out of bed well before 7/am. This was truly an anomaly. I require a solid 8 hours of sleep/night. Any less and I'm doomed for the day. Typically, I'm asleep no later than 10:30/pm, which means, in theory, I should be able to function quite well starting at 6:30/pm, and this has usually been the case. Hooray for sleep.

One other extremely important component of successful running is, of course, diet. I've been trying to make my way through "The Vegetarian Myth," but it's been a challenge, to say the least. It has gotten mixed reviews, but I don't like it. I was led to the book through my interest in, and reading of, "What We Leave Behind," the premise of which is that so long as we facilitate the perpetuation of industrial civilization, Earth (and everything living on it) is doomed as we know it. Anyway, one of the authors of this book, with whom I mostly agree, commented that "The Vegetarian Myth" saved his life--to what extent, I'm not sure, but that's what sparked my interest in the book. According to the author of the veggie myth, there's nothing good about being a moral and/or nutritional vegetarian/vegan. It's kind of depressing.


Bill Rodgers' Training Log

The guy ran a lot of miles.


According to his Wikipedia article, Boston Billy started 60 marathons, won Boston and New York four times each, and DNF'd in a lot of them.


Week 3

Nov. 15
5 miles; 47 mins
Felt fine, but pretty much just jogged to flush the legs.

Nov. 16
AM: 7.5 miles at steady pace; 1hr 3mins; PM: strength training at NHHR

Nov. 17
5 miles; 46mins
Legs started to come around again after rough long-run on Sunday.

Nov. 18
AM: 9 miles at steady pace; 1hr 14mins; PM: strength training at NHHR

Nov. 19
5 miles; 45mins
Legs in a completely alkali state.

Nov. 20
3 miles; 30 mins; strength training at NHHR
No energy, but decided to do a bit of easy running as my last two long-runs coming off of rest days have been rough.

Nov. 21
19.5 miles; 2hrs 50mins
Woke up at about 8/am to eat and then caught a few more Zs until about 11/am. Felt great. One of my better long-runs. I think the easy running and gym session yesterday helped to keep the blood flowing and the muscles loose. Plus, my focus on hydrating and pigging out at Chris Hunter's potluck yesterday couldn't have hurt. Ran everyday this week. That was a first.

54 miles
7hrs 57mins


Week 2

Nov. 8
5 miles; 45 mins
AM: Easy; PM: strength training at NHHR

Nov. 9
7.5 miles; 1hr 3mins

Nov. 10
5 miles; 45mins
AM: Easy; PM: strength training at NHHR

Nov. 11
9 miles; 1hr 14mins

Nov. 12
5 miles; 44mins

Nov. 13
Rest. Moved all day.

Nov. 14
17.5 miles; 2hrs 32mins
Woke up feeling dehydrated after moving all day on Saturday. Didn't get started until late morning. Felt dehydrated right away. Didn't have any water on the run. Ran out of gas at around 15 miles but pushed to the finish.

49 miles
7hrs 5mins


AlSal and Ritz

Shortly after the elites finished the NYC Marathon, Jess and I left the park and spotted AlSal and Ritz. AlSal is the tall guy with the black hat, and Ritz is the short guy with the white USA jacket (head down).


On Point Takes On Distance Running

Best talk radio show around talks about US distance running efforts:


All kinds of theories!


Haile Gebrselassie Retires


If you want to see something really sad, go over to runnersworld.com and watch Haile announce his retirement.

Week 1

Nov. 1
5 miles; 45 mins
Easy, early-morning run in Guilford. Legs felt good. Strength training at NHHR after work.

Nov. 2
7.5 miles; 1hr 3mins
Steady, early-morning run in Guilford. Legs felt fine until the very end. Jogged it back from the corner of the Green.

Nov. 3
5 miles; 44mins
Easy, early-morning run in Guilford. Legs felt good. Strength training at NHHR after work.

Nov. 4
9 miles; 1hr 15mins
Steady, early-morning run in Guilford in the rain. Solid, solid run.

Nov. 5
5 miles; 46mins
Easy, early-morning run in Guilford in the rain. Legs felt fine until the very end.

Nov. 6
Rest. Massage. Travel to NYC.

Nov. 7
15 miles; 2hrs 15mins
Got up at 6/am this morning to do 16 miles in Central Park before the marathon. We did two complete loops around the park but were redirected for the last little bit due to the marathon. Not sure why we couldn't pass through a third time. It got a lot of people upset. Instead of running down West Drive, we cut across the park, took a left on The Mall and hit the 72nd Street Transverse before heading back. Hoping to make 16 miles, I ran to the end of our block on 77th Street. Didn't quite make 16. Legs felt tired today for some reason, even after coming off a rest day. I think yesterday's massage had something to do with it. Jessica doesn't think so, but it was the first time that I had had a massage and she worked my legs pretty good. It was a lot of fun running in the early morning before the marathon and seeing the volunteers set up for the race. Loved the atmosphere. Although Meb or Ritz didn't win today, it was nice to see Shalane Flanagan finish 2nd. She's going to be a great marathoner.

47 miles
6hrs 50mins


Heat Training Article
