My Jade cutting from late last summer (2009) has finally started to grow. The fourth level is new as of about a month ago. The plant grew very little in a pot in which it was originally planted. About a two months ago, when I transplated the Jade from the pot to a container of water, I found that it had hardly taken root. There was only one very small root poking out of one side of the stem. Since being in a container of water, however, the plant has grown roots and now appears ready for a pot.

My mother planted this California avocado tree for me. It has done quite well, as you can see.

I started this Hass avocado tree about two months ago. I recently cut it back from 6 or 7 inches (it had leafed at about 6 inches) to three inches to encourage bushiness. I plan on cutting it back to 6 inches when it reaches 12 inches. Once it leafs again, I'll plant it in a pot and watch it grow.
What's this got to do with running?
Great question. Glad you asked. Although not directly related to running, plants play a role in why we enjoy running. Next time you're running the trails at MHSP, take a look around you. Those trails wouldn't exist without plants.
It's important that from time to time we recognize the things attributable to the enjoyment of running, even if it's not explicitly stated in the post.
Plus, posts are down. In times like these, as far as I'm concerned, any topic is welcome. And certainly if it can be tied to running (which most can). For example, if one were to post something about the oil gusher in the Gulf, one could fairly state that, had it not been for industry and, therefore, the obsolescence of running (hunting) for food, then perhaps there would have never been a need for offshore drilling; therefore, eliminating the risk of oil gushers/spills.
I think you are spending too much time hanging around all those lawyers.
I'll try to get some more posts up.
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