
Monday, 3/26/12
Walk/Run: 20:50min
Four laps around Wooster Sq. Ran for 3min 10sec. Have had better days but not terrible.

Tuesday, 3/27/12
Bike: 1hr 08:36min (16.49mi)
To gym. A very good workout.

Wednesday, 3/28/12
Bike: 17:24min (3.77mi)
To East Rock.
Hike/Run: 54:25min
Summit: 19:28 up; 34:57 down. Ran for 5min. Felt really good.

Thursday, 3/29/12
Bike: 5min
Gym. Barely lasted 5min on the stationary bike. Now squatting 75lb. Legs are getting stronger.

Friday, 3/30/12
Bike: 19:36min (4.13mi)
To East Rock.
Hike/Run: 53:51min
Summit: 19:39 up; 34:12. Ran for 7min 03sec. Felt decent. Beautiful spring day!

Saturday, 3/31/12
Bike: 5min
Was hoping to get back on the road bike today but decided against it. Miserable weather. Gym. Squatting 100lb. The leg is definitely feeling much more solid now.

Sunday, 4/1/12
Bike: 24:03min (5.28mi)
To East Rock; then to Trailblazer. Tried on some Montrail shoes. Really liked them.
Hike/Run: 54:20min
Summit: 19:38 up; 34:42 down. Ran for 7min 43sec. Felt great. Strengthening and stretching is really starting to help.

Total Time: 5hr 19min (22min 56sec of running)


Monday, 3/20/12
Off. The hamstring is still not close to where it needs to be, so I need to spend more time at the gym and cross-training. Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays will be my gym and cross-training days. I decided against the gym today after an activity-filled weekend left not only my right leg pretty sore but my entire body.

Tuesday, 3/21/12
Bike: 18:52min (3.99mi)
To East Rock.
Hike/Run: 54:27min
Summit: 19:26 up; 35:01 down. Still feeling a bit beat up from the weekend. Ran for 2min 46sec.

Wednesday, 3/22/12
Bike: 1hr 08:18min (16.43mi)
To gym. Leg was bothering me all day and swelled up quite a bit by the end of the workout. Things are probably going to get worse before they get better.

Thursday, 3/23/12
Off. Leg feeling only slightly better than yesterday.

Friday, 3/24/12
Bike: 1hr 06:49min (16.27mi)
To gym. Felt much better today. Only some twinges here and there.

Saturday, 3/25/12
Bike: 19:39min (4.14mi)
To East Rock.
Hike: 41:27min
Summit: 20:23 up; 21:03 down. Wasn't really feeling it.

Sunday, 3/26/12
Bike: 1hr 08:55min (16.32mi)
To gym with Jess. Nasty headwind on the way out.

Mostly biking this week (~57mi) as the ~5min of total running late last week and early this week seemed to cause a slight setback. Will try resuming a bit of running next week after a solid week of stretching and strengthening (and relative rest).

Total Time: 5hr 34min


Monday, 3/12/12
In Sheridan all day; then had to drive back to Bozeman. Off.

Tuesday, 3/13/12
Hike: 44:04min
Drinking Horse Mountain Trail while Jess ran in town. Legs tired and sore. Last day in Bozeman :(

Wednesday, 3/14/12
Bike: 30min

Thursday, 3/15/12
Bike: 18:04min
To East Rock.
Hike: 1hr 1:30min
Summit: 20:38 up; 40:51 down. Could never repeat this if I tried. Got lost on some new trails coming down. Lots of good, runnable trails on what seemed to be the other side of East Rock. On the last few stretches back to my bike, I was this close to falling into a jog but reasoned: what's another few days? I can start back on Wednesday next week (14 weeks out). Seems arbitrary, as I feel just about ready now.

Friday, 3/16/12
Bike: 30min
Gym with Jess.

Saturday, 3/17/12
Hike/Run: 1hr 14:34min
Summit: 19:30 up; 35:03 down. Threw in another lap on the flatter sections and about 3min 35sec of running! Wahoo!

Sunday, 3/18/12
Bike: 1hr 19:11min (18.61mi)
To gym then East Rock. Good workout.

Total Time: 5hr 36min


Monday, 3/5/12
Bike: 20min
Gym. Blah.

Tuesday, 3/6/12
Bike: 17:49min
To East Rock.
Hike: 55:19min
Summit: 19:44 up; 35:34 down. Felt pretty good, evidently. Wasn't expecting a sub-20min ascent. Took a, still, longer route back--past the first bridge to the museum. Surprisingly, no need to switch on the headlamp. Spring must really be just around the corner.

Wednesday, 3/7/12
Bike: 18:02min
To East Rock.
Hike: ~42min
Summit: ~20:30 up; ~21:30 down. Forgot my watch but kept track of time with my bike computer. Bonked about half-way up when the arthroscopy incision scar above my knee began to give me fits. Never really had that happen before. Hmm? What's more, my right IT Band (95% positive) is still acting up. I thought it was massage-related but probably, as it's now been over a week since the massage. Frustrated. Mild evening. Last PT session this morning. Walked backward on the treadmill for ~8min.

Thursday, 3/8/12
Day off.

Friday, 3/9/12
Hike: 50:37min
Drinking Horse Mountain Trail in The Bridger Range. Felt good despite 5hr on a plan and 2hr in a car.

Saturday, 3/10/12
Hike: 1hr 39:15min
The M Trails to Baldy Peak Trail. Didn't make it to the summit due to ice and inappropriate footwear. A pair of spikes would have really helped. First time hiking really, really steep, technical stuff. Perhaps a total of 1500' vertical gain. Legs were shaking on the way down. Fell twice and a stick put a nice, clean hole in my running tights :( Putts around on the trails in town afterward while Jess ran. Gorgeous day with temperatures in the mid-50s. Hard to believe but not complaining.

Sunday, 3/11/12
Hike: 1hr 11:10min
Bozeman Creek Trail. Leisurely hike while Jess ran. What a spot! Great for long runs. Just another one of Bozeman's treasures. I will miss this place but hope to return indefinitely very soon.

Total Time: 6hr 12min


Monday, 2/27/2012
Bike: 21:18min
To East Rock. Lots of traffic. Chilly. Unpleasant.
Hike: 41:44min
Summit: 20:44 up; 20:59 down. Shot. Most of the snow on the trail melted off yesterday. Much better conditions.

Tuesday, 2/28/2012
AM: Bike: 18:05min
To East Rock.
Hike: 41:27min
Summit: 20:16 up; 21:11 down. Feeling only slightly better than yesterday.
PM: Bike: 10min
Gym. Massage with Lin at Naturegene earlier in the day.

Wednesday, 2/29/2012
Much needed day off. Shitty weather, anyway. One month to the day after resuming some semblance of a training program, I like where I'm at, I've decided.

Thursday, 3/1/2012
AM: Hike: 49:09min
Summit: 20:32 up; 28:36 down. Drove over to the trailhead with JB. She ran for a 2012 record of 38min! Had to work out a few aches but started feeling better about halfway up. Decided to come down and take a slightly longer way back to the trailhead. Decent effort, although my thoughts were wandering more than usual this morning, causing a lack of focus at times.
PM: Bike: 10min

Friday, 3/2/2012
Still some discomfort from Tuesday's massage, so took it easy.

Saturday, 3/2/2012
Bike: 10min
Gym. Only did a few of the exercises and fewer sets.
Hike: 49:11min
Summit: 20:17 up; 28:53 down. Same as Thursday. Felt good, I guess, but still some discomfort from massage.

Sunday, 3/3/2012
Bike: 17:37min
To East Rock.
Hike: 47:08min
Summit: 19:15 up; 27:52 down. New PR up. Felt really good today despite feeling like shit the other six days of the week. Perhaps it was that can of salmon and self-massage with muscle rub yesterday.

Total Time: 5hr 13min