
7 days post-surgery

The first few days were difficult, trying to figure out what worked and what didn't, but I managed.

The nerve block wore off in my sleep the morning after surgery. Succumbing to the pain, I took a pain pill for the first time at 6/am. I took a total of four pain pills over the course of the day after surgery, and I have been off them ever since. Now, I have pain only when accidentally engaging my hamstring muscles, and for good reason.

My sleep has been interrupted due to some lower back pain from fully extending the knee; however, I slept without the knee immobilizer for the first time last night and, as a result, got considerably better sleep.

I achieved 90% flexion of the knee 2 or 3 days ahead of schedule. I'm able to bear some weight on the leg, but because of a sore shoulder from using only one crutch, I'm now using two crutches and bearing little weight on the leg.

My first post-surgery visit with the surgeon is tomorrow morning at 10:30/am. I will report more after that visit.

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