
Dr. Boyer

After 3 follow-up phone calls to Dr. Boyer's office, I finally received a call back from his assistant who informed me that the doc has looked at my April MRI and is now ready to see me back. Hooray! I guess that's what it takes sometimes. My follow-up appointment is on Tuesday, 8/23 at 7:45/am in Glastonbury.

I think all this bears repeating:

I was never really convinced that it was tendinitis (the chiropractor almost had me, though). One need not look any further than this blog to figure that out. I can now think of a number of times when I might have injured my meniscus, thus I think it was a freak injury and not necessarily caused by a movement disorder. The more conservative docs will have you believe that every running injury is caused by some sort of malalignment.

I've logged thousands of miles since 2003, but never once have I had anything remotely like this wrong with either knee. (I've heard all of the counter-arguments that go something like this: Well, that's like saying that I've smoked for a million years but never had cancer.) Not even a twinge here or there to indicate that there might be a problem. I'm convinced that my injury could be related to 1) the time I twisted my knee on a rock running trails with Dan and Karolina (you may recall?) last fall or 2) the time I ran a mile through knee-deep snow (literally) last winter.

I'm kind of fed up with the guessing games that the docs are playing with me right now and would really like someone to just tell me exactly what it is wrong. I do, however, realize that's it's not an exact science. If that can't be done without scoping my knee, then I guess that's what I'll have to do. It's been too long already, and I'm not really interested in more PT (which hasn't really done squat) or even prolotherapy, especially if there's some potential tearing that's causing the pain.

Any opinions out there? What would you do in this situation?

Anyone care to share their racing plans here? I'd love to hear some happy news.


Em said...

I remember when this was a group blog. But then, the group posting sort of fizzled. What happened to that? I wasn't running/training at the time, so I stopped posting. And then, Ryan, it was just sort of "your blog" and I didn't want to intrude. So I started posting running stuff on my other blog. I'd be happy to do those posts over here, though, if you want some company. (And if you don't mind that I don't run 26.2, despite the name of the blog.)

Here's my most recent training post: http://www.littlebitsandmore.com/2011/08/training-notes-and-injury-report.html

Karl von Bahnhof said...

Well Ryan, I am actually in frequent communication with another person who has had a lingering injury (likely hamstring) that isn't going away with various therapies. I can't even imagine how frustrated you guys are. Like you, Diba is in the "I'll try anything just please make me able to run again" boat. Sounds though, if it's a meniscus tear, get it fixed. if not... well, that's a lot harder. you haven't been running a long time now and that obviously hasn't helped... don't know. Really don't know what to tell you other than, hang in there man :(
As for racing plans, I have my "home made" half iron in about 10 days and am totally stoked about it, especially now that I have a nice road bike. then I registered for the Smuttynose marathon (Oct. 3rd) but haven't even thought that far ahead to tell the truth.
also, last week (and also during my week in Seattle actually) i haven't done much in the way of exercise but had an enormous amount of fun with friends, which made me realize I have to keep my addictive personality in check and not get too focused on running and biking and swimming at the expense of my happiness. it was a good thing to realize.
having said that, being in charge of Niko i am probably bound to be in constant marathon training for the next ten years or so. because otherwise he'll drive me nuts.
so there. that was a long comment. anyway. good luck with the doctors, sending positive thoughts and hugs your way!