

It was flurrying when we went to bed last night, and when we woke up at 6/am to run this morning, there were 15" of snow on the ground! We were snowed in! After we SHOVELED the snow off of Jessica's car, Jess did about 4 miles. I postponed my run until 10:30, as there was a delayed office opening. I drove some screws into my shoes and then hit the road for about 11.5 miles at a decent clip. I decided to come back via the BT Trail. Bad idea. Only a few people had walked the trail since the snow had fallen, so it wasn't packed down as usual. If you want a good workout, try running through knee-deep snow. Some way to finish up a medium long-run. After the run, I went to work only to find out that the office was CLOSED! I forgot to re-check my voicemail for any changes to the schedule. Now I'm home, and I'm bored.

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