
Runners and Roadkill

I've finished my third week of marathon training and still feel fine, like adding more mileage wouldn't change how I feel. I'm very pleased with this, as I was very worried, initially, that adding mileage would cause pain and, in turn, prevent me from training properly. Week 4 starts today.

Yesterday's swim felt great and was very refreshing. I think it was a great way to conclude the week. Maybe I'll start swimming at least one time per week.

All this road running has caused me to notice roadkill, every kind from snakes to opossums. I try to not look down but, sometimes, can't help it. I try to run around it but, sometimes, end up jumping over it. What's a runner to do? We ought to start a roadkill list.

1 comment:

Dan said...

Roadkill can be a nasty issue while biking when there is no shoulder and traffic is heavy. I came really close to going over (probably would have been more through than over) a rotting opossum a couple days ago. When running the stench is the biggest problem. Best bet is to get to the other side of the road if possible, take a deep breath, and/or pick up the pace. If the wind is blowing in your face once you get past it you can breath deep again. Just one more reason people should ride more and drive less.