Yesterday's Bikram class marked six in a row and ninth overall. After my first class on November 4th, I could not fathom returning the next day, much less four consecutive days after that. It was not until November 9th that I returned for class number two. I then started grooving. Today, I need a break, and it's timed perfectly, as there is not a regular Bikram class this evening.
My body does feel a bit stronger and more flexible, but, today, I'm aching all over and my right (proximal) hamstring is a touch tight. My left foot is also tight and tender in spots, as per usual. Certainly, it's no worse for the wear, but no better either. With time and patience, perhaps, one day, I'll think to myself, you know, maybe this foot does feel better. Alex concluded Monday's class with a few words of wisdom, which really resonate with me: One thing that will make this yoga easier is if you learn to be satisfied with what you have in this moment.
Ryan, I am enjoying bearing witness to the start of your practice and reading your posts here! Many good things are their way with the yoga, expected and unexpected. I hope it will help you get back to using your body in the ways you want to! Being patient and not taking for granted what we already have is a challenge sometimes, but good when we do have those moments where we have gratitude for everything we have, health and well being. -Alex
Thanks, Alex. I started my Bikram yoga practice a month ago yesterday. Here's to many more months of practice and, I hope, healing in the process.
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