
6 in a row

Yesterday's Bikram class marked six in a row and ninth overall. After my first class on November 4th, I could not fathom returning the next day, much less four consecutive days after that. It was not until November 9th that I returned for class number two. I then started grooving. Today, I need a break, and it's timed perfectly, as there is not a regular Bikram class this evening.

My body does feel a bit stronger and more flexible, but, today, I'm aching all over and my right (proximal) hamstring is a touch tight. My left foot is also tight and tender in spots, as per usual. Certainly, it's no worse for the wear, but no better either. With time and patience, perhaps, one day, I'll think to myself, you know, maybe this foot does feel better. Alex concluded Monday's class with a few words of wisdom, which really resonate with me: One thing that will make this yoga easier is if you learn to be satisfied with what you have in this moment.


Bikram Yoga

At the suggestion of a friend, I started practicing Bikram yoga earlier this month. To date, I have completed 8 classes. Already, my body and mind are better for it. Albeit only slight, I notice a difference in my strength and flexibility during and even between classes. How can this be in only a few weeks? The body's ability to adapt is truly amazing.

My left foot still hurts off and on. Even something as simple as standing at the kitchen counter to prepare meals is uncomfortable six times out of seven. Bikram does, however, provide some relief during and immediately after class. At present, it's hard to see the light at end of the tunnel, which has prompted me to send a copy of my latest MRI to Dr. Reach--who performed the spring ligament reconstruction on my foot in January 2008--as a second opinion. I know that he will give it an honest look. To be clear, I'm not interested in surgery until I give this rehab a good honest effort. This injury first reared its ugly head in May/June 2012, when Jessica and I were on the Camino in Northern Spain. I then had a solid period of training from July-ish 2012 through early this year. Since about February, things have only gotten worse. I never did take more than two weeks off to let it calm down, which is why I need to make a better effort at trying to heal this conservatively through Bikram, massage, etc.

Here's my take/progress on the 26 Bikram postures:

1 Standing Deep Breathing – love this posture; what a great warm-up; posterior neck has become a lot less tense and arms up/elbows together has become a lot easier on the exhale

2 Half Moon Pose – still trying to get the arms straight back by the ears, palms together, and shoulders and hips square; however, generally, it feels pretty good other than my tendency to over-bend and struggle with breath

3 Awkward Pose – love it; left fingers tremble sometimes so tend to make a fist or drop arm; much better at second and third of three variations of posture because on toes; dorsiflexion lacking, which is why I can’t sit all the way down and back on first variation (and why my foot is chronically injured)

4 Eagle Pose – once I get that foot wrapped around calf, I’m home free; I feel pretty strong in this posture despite my wobbly, floppy feet

5 Standing Head to Knee – probably my favorite of all the postures; love the challenge of balancing on that solid leg for a minute and progressing through extending the lifted leg; I imagine it’ll be some time before I can get that leg fully extended

6 Standing Bow Pose – another good one; love the balancing aspect, especially for the left foot, which I’m trying to rehab; can’t kick too far back yet without straining the anterior aspect of the hip and hamstrings (particularly behind knees)

7 Balancing Stick – still another good balancing posture; can’t quite achieve the T; I like the variation on this posture with the praying hands at the chest instead of over the head (probably because it's easier)

8 Standing Separate Leg Stretching Pose – good stretch for the hammies; no where near grabbing the feet; can barely straighten the pegs

9 Triangle Pose – probably the strongest posture for me (it feels that way, anyway); I can’t quite get the lower arm to the floor between big and second biggest toes, but I feel super strong in it

10 Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee Pose – not close to locking peg and can’t get trailing foot flat on mat

11 Tree Pose – much stronger on left side

12 Toe Stand – no where near this, especially on right side

13 Dead Body Pose – hard to screw this one up

14 Wind-Removing Pose – just love it; good for hip flexion; certainly less flexible in right hip

15 Sit Up – easy in theory but can’t touch toes with legs fully extended

16 Cobra Pose – not a huge fan of a lot of these floor series postures, but as my back gets stronger, I’m learning to enjoy them more

17 Locust Pose – hard to not give an assist from contralateral leg but good for glutes

18 Full Locust Pose – like a 747; other than never having enough room to fully extend arms at right angles from body, it’s a decent posture

19 Bow Pose – I suck at this one but the tip to soften shoulders was a good one; I kicked those legs out a bit more even if only a hair

20 Fixed Firm Pose – not really benefiting from this one yet, as I can’t get my ass down onto the mat comfortably without straining my right knee, where that medial plica was excised (I wonder if that’s scar tissue I feel in there or stress on a meniscus?)

21 Half Tortoise Pose – man, this is fantastic, especially when doubled up; having a hard time letting hips fall back on heels, though, because right hip is super tight from all the favoring due to left foot (years of standing on right peg in locked position)

22 Camel Pose – this one makes me dizzy but was feeling it last night!

23 Rabbit Pose – don’t quite get this one but I like the circular energy analogy; it helped last night

24 Head to Knee Pose and Stretching Pose – got the head to the knee but not with the knee fully extended; it’s pretty easy for me to overdo it here; the wet towel is not conducive to getting the heel to slide to achieve deeper stretch

25 Spine Twisting Pose – definitely not upright but can finally get hand on knee; i’ll get there in time

26 Blowing in Firm Pose – belly work out