I finished making my huaraches today. I bit the bullet and purchased a revolving punch (leather punch) for $11 for the six holes that you need to put in the rubber for the laces, so if you decide to invest in a pair, I've got the tool you need. I tried lacing the huaraches to my feet using the traditional/toga style and the slip-on, slip-off style. I like the slip-on, slip-off style better. I ran for about 18 minutes in the huaraches, and I really like them. I like them better than VFF but not quite as much as barefoot. Sand and rocks tend to get stuck in between the rubber and the foot. And the laces irritated my foot in spots. I think I just need to adjust the lacing, though. As for the tendonitis after six days of rest, I did feel a few faint twinges and tightness, but it felt much better than it did a week ago. I know that I still have a problem because the tendon is tender to the touch. I'm going to take another week off and see where I'm at next weekend. I think I'm going to take this week by week and see how it progresses. It was nice to get out there, though, even for a few minutes. Man, injury is so frustrating.
On another note, I've got a new obsession: growing and juicing wheatgrass! I'm trying to take two ounces every morning. It takes a lot of grass to yield two ounces of juice, so I'm trying to get a good crop of it going on a consistent basis. Here's the latest batch, ready to be juiced and enjoyed!
How those sandals working out?
I've worn them only once. They're ok.
I'm in rest and recovery mode, but I'm not recovering. The injury seems to be getting worse with rest, so I'm thinking I have a bigger problem than tendonitis.
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