
An excellent, excellent opinion article in WSJ this morning. Must, must read!!!

'Alternative' Medicine Is Mainstream

This article was written by honest professionals in the medical industry who are not trying to benefit from a gimmick or otherwise. These professionals are straight-shooting, and their sound advice must reach a larger proportion of the population in order to have any effect on the current medical crisis.

1 comment:

Dan said...

I agree 100% with the gist of that article. Another good example of how screwed up our health care situation is. I don't know if the authors aren't trying to benefit though. All those guys write, and sell, a lot of books about similar topics and are frequently in the popular media.

Couple mentions of Yoga in there. I think that might be a good thing for me. I've tried it a few times, and I have a hard time with it, which is probably a good indication that I need it.