
Balancing Act

I've started a training program for running a marathon in March, and the program I picked ups the mileage from my first marathon training from upper 20s low 30s per week to low 30s-40 miles per week. I don't think this is too aggressive but now I live about 3 miles from campus and have been riding my bike in to work. This seems to be too much for the legs and not enough rest. I'm going to keep riding weather permitting but don't want to lose any ground on the training but also don't want to get hurt.

I read here (http://www.letsrun.com/forum/flat_read.php?board=1&id=1718175&thread=1718126) that a mile of riding is equivalent to about .25-.4 miles of running. I think I'm gonna go with .3 and then reduce my running mileage accordingly if I ride to work and have a run scheduled that day. My bike commute is 6.5 miles round trip so that is just under 2 miles of running. However, if I shorten my tempo or interval workouts I won't be getting all I should be getting out them...


Ryan said...

Interesting. Get those long tempos in. You're Boston bound.

Em said...

Yes, keep the mileage on your tempo/long/interval workouts and subtract the miles from recovery/easy days. Or just have a running rest day instead of an easy day and a few days of biking will replace those miles.