

Duke and Mayo Clinic docs say I have rather large tear in spring ligament. Dr. Reach says spring ligament tears do not heal on own. He thinks I should opt to have surgically repaired. I agree. Pre-operative visit soon.


Dan said...

If the tear will not heal on its own, isn't surgery the only option? Why the question? Is there risk involved?

Ryan said...

There is not much research out there on spring ligament tears, but the research that is out there suggests that they don't heal on their own. I could try an orthosis first, and if that doesn't work, then opt for surgery. But given the amount of time I've been dealing with this injury, I think--and so does my doctor--surgery is the better option. Depending on the size of the tear, there are two procedures, both of which my doctor will explain when we meet later this week or early next week.

3-month cast.