
Michael Arnstein

200 miles/week on fruit?

A MUST-listen: http://ultrarunnerpodcast.com/archives/2010


MDI Marathon didn't go so well. Made it about 18-19 miles and my knee/leg/IT band, whatever it is, became too painful to continue. Legs felt pretty good otherwise though. Weather was horrible. Rain and in the 40s. I tried walking and running for a bit and then got really really cold. Shaking uncontrollably and couldn't find any help from race organizers. Had to jump in a guys truck and get a ride. I don't see much road running in my future. Gonna stick to the trails. Sounds like I need to move to Ashland. Karolina finished strong in 3:43. Very good time for a super hilly course.


Three hour long run

Yesterday morning, Jess and I set out from our doorstep for a 15-miler in the Siskiyou Mountains.  After only about a mile of pavement, we hit one of the dirt roads above Lithia Park and started climbing to the first trailhead.  The first trail of the day, Bandersnatch, is a hiker/runner-only trail that switchbacks for about two miles to another trail named, Alice and Wonderland.  (Bandersnatch is a relatively new trail and, within the last week, finally got its very own permanent trail signs, which were previously only laminated signs stapled to trees.)  We took Alice to Forest Service Road 2060 to Toothpick.  Toothpick provides a brief respite from climbing before turning onto Catwalk, which climbs well over 1000 feet in about a mile and a half.  Despite this stout climb, we both managed to maintain a running stride.  Catwalk eventually empties out into the parking area at Four Corners, which is still only halfway to Mt. Ashland (not the day's objective, thankfully; however, Jess and I have hiked from Four Corners to Mt. Ashland in just over a couple of hours).  When we reached Four Corners, we refueled with Gu Chomps and then started the descent.  We took FSR 2060 to Caterpillar to White Rabbit.  White Rabbit eventually empties out onto the top of Park Street.  From Park Street, we jumped on the ditch (a nice, flat traverse trail about 500 feet above town) and cruised it over to Walker Avenue.  From Walker, it's only a few easy miles of pavement home.

We covered 15.3 miles with 3000 feet of elevation gain in almost exactly 3 hours.  My last 3-hour run was at the Austin Marathon in February 2011.  My last 3-hour training run was in December of 2010.  So completing yesterday's run without any trouble was hugely encouraging.  Today, I have no pain or soreness--only slight fatigue.  I'm pretty sure Ashland is the best thing that's ever happened to my running.  Jess, too.  Her nagging injuries are gone.

Here's the elevation profile. More stats here.


Lithia Loop Marathon

I took four days off after the Enchanted Forest Wine Run half-marathon and felt amazing on the fifth day. My old self would have tried running within only a few days, but I think I've learned a very important lesson--rest and recovery are key--through serious injury.

There's a marathon here in Ashland in a few weeks--Lithia Loop Marathon--that is run completely on trails with somewhere in the neighborhood of 4000 feet of elevation gain. I've contemplated doing it, but I don't think I'm ready for the distance yet. Jessica, on the other hand, is more seriously considering it and wrote up a plan, which she's kept to so far, that could get her to the finish line. She had planned on running about half the course with some folks yesterday morning but much of it was closed due to logging. Instead, they ran from town up to 4 Corners, which worked out to be 2800 feet of climbing over 15 miles. Jess reported to me that she handled it quite well.

Here's the elevation profile and course map for the marathon.


Post-race photos from the Enchanted run

If you look carefully in the picture of Jared with his head down, you'll see Jess on the massage table.

Enchanted Forest Wine Run Results and Pictures

